Is anyone else experiencing Cumulus CI Flow delays, particularly in deploying force-app data to a newly created scratch org?
Have you ever had a Cumulus CI flow suddenly take a lot longer to run? Was it due to a specific change in the contents of force-app, or a new type of metadata in your sfdx project?
Thanks so much!
- What used to take about 10-15 minutes to run has started taking 25 minutes to over an hour to finish running (and then it does run successfully at least...).
- It seems to get stuck processing "Converting from SFDX to MDAPI format."
- Similarly, it gets stuck process unpackaged/config files as well in the task: deploy_unpackaged_content (a custom task, see below).
Task "deploy"
[06/02/22 09:38:12] Anonymous Apex Executed Successfully!
Skipping task update_package_xml (skipped unless project_config.project__source_format != "sfdx" or not org_config.scratch)
Skipping task deploy (skipped unless project_config.project__source_format != "sfdx" or not org_config.scratch)
Running task: deploy
path: force-app
Beginning task: Deploy
Converting from SFDX to MDAPI format.
[06/02/22 09:38:14] Cleaning meta.xml files of packageVersion elements for deploy
Payload size: 123304 bytes
Pending [06/02/22 09:38:15] [Pending]: next check in 1 seconds
[06/02/22 09:38:16] [Pending]: next check in 1 seconds
[06/02/22 09:38:17] [Pending]: next check in 2 seconds
[06/02/22 09:38:19] [Pending]: next check in 2 seconds
[06/02/22 09:38:22] [Pending]: next check in 2 seconds
[06/02/22 09:38:24] [Pending]: next check in 3 seconds
[06/02/22 09:38:27] [Pending]: next check in 3 seconds
[06/02/22 09:38:30] [Pending]: next check in 3 seconds
[06/02/22 09:38:34] [Pending]: next check in 4 seconds
[06/02/22 09:38:38] [Pending]: next check in 4 seconds
[06/02/22 09:38:43] [Pending]: next check in 4 seconds
[06/02/22 09:38:47] [Pending]: next check in 5 seconds
[06/02/22 09:38:52] [Pending]: next check in 5 seconds
[Lots more pending messages between 9:38 - 10:18...]
[06/02/22 10:18:35] [Pending]: next check in 40 seconds
[06/02/22 10:19:15] [InProgress]: Processing Type: Flow
[06/02/22 10:19:39] [InProgress]: Processing Type: Flow
[06/02/22 10:19:41] [InProgress]: Processing Type: Flow
[06/02/22 10:19:42] [InProgress]: Processing Type: ApexClass
[06/02/22 10:19:43] [InProgress]: Processing Type: ApexClass
[06/02/22 10:19:44] [InProgress]: Processing Type: ApexClass
[06/02/22 10:19:45] [InProgress]: Processing Type: ApexClass
[06/02/22 10:19:47] [InProgress]: Processing Type: PermissionSet
[06/02/22 10:19:48] [InProgress]: Processing Type: CspTrustedSite
[06/02/22 10:20:02] [Done]
[06/02/22 10:20:03] [Success]: Succeeded
deploy_unpackaged_content tasks
Running task: deploy_unpackaged_content
path: unpackaged/config/dev
unmanaged: True
namespace_inject: None
Beginning task: Deploy
Stripping namespace tokens from metadata for unmanaged deployment
Cleaning meta.xml files of packageVersion elements for deploy
Payload size: 97200 bytes
[06/02/22 10:24:24] [Pending]: next check in 1 seconds
[06/02/22 10:24:25] [Pending]: next check in 1 seconds
[06/02/22 10:24:27] [Pending]: next check in 2 seconds
[06/02/22 10:24:29] [Pending]: next check in 2 seconds
[06/02/22 10:24:31] [Pending]: next check in 2 seconds
[06/02/22 10:24:34] [Pending]: next check in 3 seconds
[06/02/22 10:24:37] [Pending]: next check in 3 seconds
[Lots more pending messages between 10:24-10:30...]
[06/02/22 10:30:10] [Pending]: next check in 15 seconds
[06/02/22 10:30:27] [Pending]: next check in 15 seconds
The "deploy_unpackaged_content" task in the cumulusci.yml file:
description: Deploys configuration for Development.
class_path: cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.Deploy
namespace_inject: $project_config.project__package__namespace
path: unpackaged/config/dev
unmanaged: True
The flow steps:
1. flow: dependencies [from current folder]
1. task: update_dependencies
2. task: deploy_pre
2. flow: deploy_unmanaged
0. task: dx_convert_from
when: project_config.project__source_format == "sfdx" and not org_config.scratch
1. task: unschedule_apex
2. task: update_package_xml
when: project_config.project__source_format != "sfdx" or not org_config.scratch
3. task: deploy
when: project_config.project__source_format != "sfdx" or not org_config.scratch
3.1 task: deploy
when: project_config.project__source_format == "sfdx" and org_config.scratch
4. task: uninstall_packaged_incremental
when: project_config.project__source_format != "sfdx" or not org_config.scratch
5. task: snapshot_changes
6. task: deploy_uwmsn_ciam_od
3. flow: config_qa
1. task: deploy_post
2. task: update_admin_profile
3. task: create_community
4. task: deploy_unpackaged_content
5. task: snapshot_changes
6. task: deploy_qa_config
7. task: dx_test_data_tree_import
4. task: snapshot_changes