I am trying to run an email template from the Contract object, but in the email (or an attached PDF) print a list of related cases and specified fields for the cases. I've managed to do this successfully on a visualforce page, but trying to use the same idea in an email template has not worked out. It's as though the query is not receiving the contract Id but I cannot figure out how to pass it so it works. Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree though.
Visualforce Email Template:
<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="User"
subject="Test {!relatedTo.ContractNumber}">
<messaging:attachment renderAs="PDF" filename="claims-list.pdf">
<c:StatementofClaims Contract="{!relatedTo.Id}" policyref="{!relatedTo.Id}" />
<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >
test mail
<c:StatementofClaims policyref="{!relatedTo.Id}" />
Visualforce Component:
<apex:component layout="none" access="global" controller="ClaimsListController2">
<apex:attribute name="Contract" description="Statement of Claims" type="Contract" />
<apex:attribute name="policyref" description="" type="id" assignTo="{!policyId}" />
.claimRecordsTable {
border: 1px solid black;
.claimRecordTableCells {
border-top: 1px solid black;
border-bottom: 1px solid black;
border-left: 1px solid black;
<p><apex:outputText ><apex:param value="{!testReturn2}" /></apex:outputText></p>
<table id="claimTableInfo" width="100%" rowClasses="odd,even" styleClass="claimRecordsTable" border="solid" cellpadding="5px">
<th style="text-align: left; border-collapse:collapse; width:20%;">Claim No.</th>
<th style="text-align: left; border-collapse:collapse; width:20%;">Date Notified</th>
<th style="text-align: left; border-collapse:collapse; width:20%;">Repaired or Replaced</th>
<th style="text-align: left; border-collapse:collapse; width:20%;">Amount if Replaced</th>
<th style="text-align: left; border-collapse:collapse; width:20%;">Claim Status</th>
<apex:repeat value="{!claims}" var="claim">
<td class="claimRecordsTable" width="170">{!claim.CaseNumber}</td>
<td class="claimRecordsTable" width="170"><apex:outputText value="{0,Date,dd/MM/yy}"><apex:param value="{!claim.Claim_Form_Recevied_Date__c}" /></apex:outputText></td>
<td class="claimRecordsTable" width="170">{!claim.Reason}</td>
<td class="claimRecordsTable" width="170">{!claim.Claim_Cost__c}</td>
<td class="claimRecordsTable" width="170">{!claim.status}</td>
<p><apex:outputText ><apex:param value="{!testReturn}" /></apex:outputText></p>
public class ClaimsListController2 {
public Id policyId {get;set {loadList();}}
public List<Case> claims{get;set;}
public Contract policy {get;set;}
public String testReturn {get;set;}
public String testReturn2 {get;set;}
public ClaimsListController2() {
// this.policy = (Contract)stdController.getRecord();
claims = [SELECT Id, CaseNumber, recordTypeId, Claim_Form_Recevied_Date__c, Policy__c, Reason, Claim_Cost__c, Status FROM Case
WHERE RecordTypeId='012b0000000Kr2VAAS' AND Policy__r.Id= :policyId];
testReturn2 = 'constructor has run';
public void loadList() {
claims = [SELECT Id, CaseNumber, recordTypeId, Claim_Form_Recevied_Date__c, Policy__c, Reason, Claim_Cost__c, Status FROM Case
WHERE RecordTypeId='012b0000000Kr2VAAS' AND Policy__c= :policyId];
testReturn = 'loadList has run';
As you can probably see in the controller, I tried also calling the query separately to the constructor, but neither really worked until I take out the limitation of the policy.