I wrote a lightning component that reads a csv file and creating records with relationship, e.g opportunities and their related contacts in each row. some of the contacts already exists in org therefore every contact is checked by soql comparing some email and phone fields(for the complexity of data comparison in multiple fields I used soql rather than duplication error check), if exist relating the opportunity to it and if not creating new one and relating to the new contact.
Since a large set of data is processed, to avoid reaching limits I call the apex class from js helper for every small set of rows.
for (let i = 0; i < csvAsList.length; i = i + 25) {
helper.CreateRecords(component, csvAsList.slice(i, i + 25), i >= csvAsList.length - 25);
Helper code:
CreateRecords : function (component,csv, isLast){
var action = component.get('c.insertData');
csvAsList : csv
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
var result=response.getReturnValue();
alert("Records uploaded succefully");
else if (state === "ERROR") {
var errors = response.getError();
if (errors) {
if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) {
console.log("Error message: " + errors[0].message);
} else {
console.log("Unknown error");
alert('Unknown Error');
For a small set of records, even when apex class is called several times everything works fine, but when I try to upload the entire file (about 16,000 records) the process ends up creating each row twice (about 32,000 opportunities). For further clarclarification needs to emphasis that it's almost and not exactly twice.
Apex Class:
public class UploadRecordsFromCsvCtrl{
public static string insertData(List<String> csvAsList){
Callable npspApi = (System.Callable)Type.forName('npsp', 'Callable_API').newInstance();
Boolean isNpspTriggerDisabled = (Boolean)npspApi.call('TDTM.DisableAllTriggers', new Map<String, Object>());
String returnresponse = '';
List<ContactAndItsOpportunity> conAndOppList = iterateOverRows(csvAsList);
List<Opportunity> oppList = new List<Opportunity>();
returnresponse = 'SUCCESS';
for (ContactAndItsOpportunity conAndOpp : conAndOppList){
List<Contact> conList = [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName
FROM Contact
where (MobilePhone != null and MobilePhone = :conAndOpp.con.MobilePhone) Or (Phone != null and Phone = :conAndOpp.con.MobilePhone) Or (OtherPhone != Null and OtherPhone = :conAndOpp.con.MobilePhone) Or (HomePhone != null And HomePhone = :conAndOpp.con.MobilePhone) Or (npe01__WorkPhone__c != null and npe01__WorkPhone__c = :conAndOpp.con.MobilePhone) Or (HomePhoneUnformatted__c != null and HomePhoneUnformatted__c = :conAndOpp.con.MobilePhone) Or (MobilePhoneUnformatted__c != null and MobilePhoneUnformatted__c = :conAndOpp.con.MobilePhone) Or (formula_for_phone__c != null and formula_for_phone__c = :conAndOpp.con.MobilePhone) Or (WorkPhoneUnformatted__c != null and WorkPhoneUnformatted__c = :conAndOpp.con.MobilePhone) Or (OtherPhoneUnformatted__c != null and OtherPhoneUnformatted__c = :conAndOpp.con.MobilePhone) Or (Email != null and Email = :conAndOpp.con.Email) Or (npe01__WorkEmail__c != null and npe01__WorkEmail__c = :conAndOpp.con.Email) Or (npe01__HomeEmail__c != null and npe01__HomeEmail__c = :conAndOpp.con.Email) Or (npe01__AlternateEmail__c != null and npe01__AlternateEmail__c = :conAndOpp.con.Email)];
if ((conList.size() == 0)){
Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.insert (new List<Contact>{ conAndOpp.con }, false);
if (srList[0].isSuccess()){
conAndOpp.opp.npsp__Primary_Contact__c = srList[0].getId();
conAndOpp.opp.ContactId = srList[0].getId();
// else{
// for (Database.Error err : srList[0].getErrors()){
// system.debug(err.getMessage());
// if (err instanceOf Database.DuplicateError){
// Database.DuplicateError duplicateError = (Database.DuplicateError)err;
// Datacloud.DuplicateResult duplicateResult = duplicateError.getDuplicateResult();
// List<DataCloud.MatchResult> matchRes = duplicateResult.getMatchResults();
// List<dataCloud.MatchRecord> matchRec = matchRes[0].getMatchRecords();
// Sobject obj = matchRec[0].getRecord();
// conAndOpp.opp.npsp__Primary_Contact__c = (Id) obj.get('Id');
// conAndOpp.opp.ContactId = (Id) obj.get('Id');
// }
// }
// }
} else{
if (conAndOpp.con.LastName != 'UnKnown' && conAndOpp.con.LastName != '' && conList[0].LastName == 'UnKnown'){
conList[0].LastName = conAndOpp.con.LastName;
if (conAndOpp.con.LastName != '')
conList[0].FirstName = conAndOpp.con.FirstName;
update (conList[0]);
conAndOpp.opp.npsp__Primary_Contact__c = conList[0].Id;
conAndOpp.opp.ContactId = conList[0].Id;
} catch (DmlException ex){
returnresponse = 'DML ERROR';
} catch (Exception e){
returnresponse = 'ERROR';
for(Opportunity oppde : oppList){
Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.insert (oppList, false);
} catch (Exception e){
return returnresponse;
public static List<ContactAndItsOpportunity> iterateOverRows(List<String> csvAsList){
List<ContactAndItsOpportunity> conAndOppList = new List<ContactAndItsOpportunity>();
for (integer i = 0; i < csvAsList.size(); i++){
List<String> csvLineAsList = handleCommasAndChangingCsvLineToList(csvAsList[i]);
conAndOppList.add(new ContactAndItsOpportunity());
conAndOppList[i].con = (new Contact(FirstName = csvLineAsList[2], Company__c = csvLineAsList[4], LastName = csvLineAsList[3], MobilePhone = csvLineAsList[8], Email = csvLineAsList[7], MailingStreet = csvLineAsList[9], OtherStreet = csvLineAsList[10], MailingCity = csvLineAsList[11], MailingState = csvLineAsList[12], MailingCountry = csvLineAsList[13], MailingPostalCode = csvLineAsList[14], RecordTypeId = '012b000000010UFAAY'));
String currencyIsoCode = 'USD';
if (!String.isBlank(csvLineAsList[6])){
currencyIsoCode = csvLineAsList[6];
conAndOppList[i].opp = (new Opportunity(Name = 'c', CloseDate = Date.valueOf(csvLineAsList[0]), Amount = Decimal.valueOf(csvLineAsList[5].trim()), StageName = 'Paid', CurrencyIsoCode = currencyIsoCode));
return conAndOppList;
public static List<String> handleCommasAndChangingCsvLineToList(String csvLine){
String prevLine = csvLine;
Integer startIndex;
Integer endIndex;
while (csvLine.indexOf('"') > -1){
if (startIndex == null){
startIndex = csvLine.indexOf('"');
csvLine = csvLine.substring(0, startIndex) + ':quotes:' + csvLine.substring(startIndex + 1, csvLine.length());
} else{
if (endIndex == null){
endIndex = csvLine.indexOf('"');
csvLine = csvLine.substring(0, endIndex) + ':quotes:' + csvLine.substring(endIndex + 1, csvLine.length());
if (startIndex != null && endIndex != null){
String sub = csvLine.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
sub = sub.replaceAll(',', ':comma:');
csvLine = csvLine.substring(0, startIndex) + sub + csvLine.substring(endIndex, csvLine.length());
startIndex = null;
endIndex = null;
list<string> csvLineAsList = new List<String>();
for (String column : csvLine.split(',', -1)){
column = column.replaceAll(':quotes:', '"').unescapeCsv().replaceAll(':comma:', ',');
// System.debug(column);
// system.debug(csvLineAsList.size());
return csvLineAsList;
public Class ContactAndItsOpportunity{
Contact con;
Opportunity opp;