I have overridden Standard New button on lead object with Aura Component and this Aura calls LWC which contains record edit form to create new lead record.
I have 2 record types Record Type 1 & Record Type 2 defined on Lead Object. So during record creation, If I select Record Type 1 and then cancel the operation, I am able to navigate back to Lead List views. But, when I click on New Button again and this time If I select Record Type 2 and create a record then Lead records gets created in the system with Record Type as Record Type 1. It should have created Record with Record Type as Record Type 2.
I have observed that when I click on New button 2nd time , it does not refresh the component.
Below is the Sample Code that I have written:
Aura :
<aura:attribute name="selectedRecordId" type="Id" />
<aura:attribute name="objectName" type="String" />
<!--Declare Handler-->
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}" />
<c:newLeadRecord recordTypeId="{!v.selectedRecordId}" SFDCobjectApiName="{!v.objectName}" />
Aura Controller :
doInit: function(component, event, helper) {
//get record type Id
var recordTypeId = component.get("v.pageReference").state.recordTypeId;
component.set("v.selectedRecordId", recordTypeId);
//get object API name
var objectApiName = component.get("v.pageReference").attributes.objectApiName;
component.set("v.objectName", objectApiName);
<lightning-record-edit-form object-api-name={sfdcObjectApiName} record-type-id={recTypeId} onsuccess={handleSuccess}
onerror={handleError} density="comfy">
..... .........
Can someone please help me what how to refresh component everytime when you click on Standard New Button? or how to refresh everytime when I cancel the operation or successfully created the record?