You are the wire adapter is asynchronous, so when the getter is first used, there is probably no value (or there could be an error... more about that later).
Generically, Wired ServiceSyntax is
import { adapterId } from 'adapterModule';
@wire(adapterId, adapterConfig)
This is the textbook example. When the recorded populated, wire will fire getting the data you request (you can add fields to the array), caching it in the Lightning Data Service. In the HTML, the template waits until data or error is populated. c-error-panel is a component from LWC Receipes. I strongly suggest you clone the repo, there are lots of examples and some good starting points for your LWC adventure!
// wireFunction.js
import { LightningElement, api, track, wire } from 'lwc';
import { getRecord } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';
export default class WireFunction extends LightningElement {
@api recordId;
@track record;
@track error;
@wire(getRecord, { recordId: '$recordId', fields: ['Prod.Name'] })
wiredAccount({ error, data }) {
if (data) {
this.record = data;
this.error = undefined;
} else if (error) {
this.error = error;
this.record = undefined;
get name() {
return this.record.fields.Name.value;
<!-- wireFunction.html -->
<lightning-card title="Wire Function" icon-name="standard:contact">
<template if:true={record}>
<div class="slds-m-around_medium">
<template if:true={error}>
<c-error-panel errors={error}></c-error-panel>