I am trying to Clone a Quote Record and its Quote Lines. The below code Clones the Quote Object but not the QuoteLines. I thought that there was a way to do the "DeepClone" by having the second parm of Clone be marked as True. Is it possible to use the clone function or must I have a SOQL query to fetch the child records?
public static void QuoteRevision(SBQQ__Quote__c Quote, id Quoteid){
system.debug(logginglevel.debug, 'Start clsQuoteRevisionLWC = Quote ' + Quote);
system.debug(logginglevel.debug, 'Start clsQuoteRevisionLWC = Quote ' + Quoteid);
Quote.SBQQ__Type__c = 'Revision';
SBQQ__Quote__c clonedQuote = Quote.clone(false, true, false, true);
System.debug('clsQuoteRevisionLWC - Quote Number = ' + clonedQuote);
insert clonedQuote;