Hi I have an object as Product and another object as Product Line items. What I am trying to do is fetch data from my Apex Controller in the form of Map which has Product as key and List of Line Items as values . Map<Product__c,List<Product_Line_Items__c>>

The problem is the way I am getting the map in Lightning component is (which I am seeing through console log )

enter image description here

The requirement is to iterate the map and get header object so that I can display the field values like below

enter image description here

So now in lightning component's controller this is the way I am fetching this map from apex controller

action.setCallback(this, function(response){
    var state = response.getState();
    if (state === "SUCCESS") {
        var result =response.getReturnValue().mapProductToSKU;
        for(var key in result){

            arrayMapP.push({key: key, value: result[key]});

Now in component

<aura:attribute name="PNumbertoSKU" type="Map" /> 
 <aura:iteration items="{!v.PNumbertoSKU}" var="PNumber1">
PNumber1.key.field name 

Here I am seeing data in this way

[Product__c (Product....] I am not seeing that particular field value

1 Answer 1


I would recommend refactoring your Apex method to return the data in a different format.

For example, you could return a Map<String, Map<String, Object>> where the outer map is keyed on the product ID and the inner map contains keys like product (where the value is the Product__c object) and lineItems (whose value is a List<Product_Line_Items__c>).

Then your data will look more like this -- and you'll be better able to use it:

  blmK0000003Saaaaa: {
    product: {
      Id: "blmK0000003Saaaaa",
      Product_Description__c: "Product1",
      Quantity__c: 1,
      Total_Sales_Price__c: 2858.07
    lineItems: [
        Id: "blmK0000003xxxxx",
        Name: "SKU1",
        Quantity__c: 2,
        Total_Sales_Price__c: 6443.32,
        Id: "blmK0000003yyyyy",
        Name: "SKU1",
        Quantity__c: 2,
        Total_Sales_Price__c: 6443.32,
  blmK0000003Sbbbbb: {
    product: {
      Id: "blmK0000003Sbbbbb",
      Product_Description__c: "Product2",
      Quantity__c: 1,
      Total_Sales_Price__c: 2858.07
    lineItems: [
        Id: "blmK0000003zzzzz",
        Name: "SKU1",
        Quantity__c: 2,
        Total_Sales_Price__c: 6443.32,
  // etc...

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