I'm trying to use Bulk API v1 to upsert massive Data using JSON.
When I try to run the job via the standard bulk API, the next error shown up :
InvalidBatch : Exceeded number of records: 10002. Number of records should be less than or equal to 10001
I just want to know, Salesforce does not chunk my records into separate batches automatically?
Do I need to ask my clients to chunk the batch themself, and call the bulk API few times?
What I'm doing is :
URL : /services/async/50.0/job ---> /services/async/50.0/job/jobId/batch
Headers :
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Accept: application/json X-SFDC-Session:00D1l0000008dIX!AQQ...
I also tried to add this line to the header:
Sforce-Enable-PKChunking: chunkSize=9000; //tried this, tried "true" - same result
Many Thanks,