I think the way Salesforce instructs you to generate an opportunity for each bidder on a project is flawed. There is only one project with many bidders. According to SF each bidder is supposed to be setup as separate account. Then each account can have multiple opportunities (as if they are unique). However, in the example above there is only one project. When i look at my pipeline to see how much business/projects are actually available to go after, the multiple opportunities for one project grossly multiples the actual project value by however many bidders there happens to be.
Doesn't it make sense to create and account for the end-user who has put the project out to bid, then create a relationship whereby each bidder and the quote/opportunity you create is attached to that project. Thus eliminating the gross multiple/duplicates of opportunities?
My pipeline is never accurate and i would rather use a spreadsheet to track my sales potential than a CRM that duplicates opportunities grossly.
and the opportunity has child records calledBids
, each linked to a bidder Account. The Opportunity.Amount is thus a MAX of Bid.Amount__c (or maybe the MAX of Bid.Amount__c * Bid.Probability). Once the bid is accepted, the Opportunity's Account changes to the winning bidder Account and the Oppo is closed won. The Bid custom object could also be an Opportunity (i.e. a master opportunity for project and children oppos for the Bids).