I have retrieved the metadata from sandbox to deploy it to the higher org using ANT. ANT have created folders for all the components like objects, classes, etc. But, it did not retrieved many records which are useful for configuration purposes like custom settings records(it have retrieved metadata for custom settings but not the records), remote site settings, etc.
So, I want to know what are other components like custom settings records which are not retrieved using ANT but are necessary?
Also, in my sandbox org, there are many custom settings and each have multiple records. So, I came to know that you need some post deployment steps which include exporting custom settings records from sandbox org and deploying it to higher org.
So, is there any way to export or download or view each records from every custom settings without querying them individually. I have tried a chrome extension called Custom settings exporter for Salesforce. But, if we have many custom settings, it only downloads some of them, it did not work for me. Any custom sfdx plugins or any other reliable tool will be helpful. Thanks!