I'm referring to the document to make use of out of box import { updateRecord, } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi'; It is straight forward to understand how to pass field values from the given example in the document for updateRecord. updateRecord

 const fields = {};
        fields[ID_FIELD.fieldApiName] = this.contactId;
        fields[FIRSTNAME_FIELD.fieldApiName] = this.template.querySelector("[data-field='FirstName']").value;
        fields[LASTNAME_FIELD.fieldApiName] = this.template.querySelector("[data-field='LastName']").value;

        const recordInput = { fields };

            .then(() => {

Example is for single values. My question is if one of the field is a multi select picklist, say states, how do I pass that value ( even hard coded ) to the field name in LWC js. I tried many combinations

  1. fname__c:"NY;CT;NJ"
  2. fname__c:["NY","CT","NJ"]

nothing seems to work

1 Answer 1


According to Documentation, The updateRecord uses ui-api and accept the recordInput as parameter.

One of the properties of recordInput is fields. If you have a multiselect picklist, you can pass the value like this:-

MultiPicklist—JSON String (for example, Dog;Cat;Fish).

I have tried it in workbench and it worked:-

enter image description here

Coming to LWC, You can pass multiselect value as:-

fields[MULTISELECT_FIELD.fieldApiName] = "value1;Value2;value3";

Also, do not forget to import the multiselect field first as follow:-

import MULTISELECT_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/ObjectApiName.FieldApiName';
  • 1
    Thank you. This is the mistake I did. Even though the document says fields[FIRSTNAME_FIELD.fieldApiName] ="myvalueforthisfield"; it will also work if we write this line like this fields['FirstName'].value = "myvalueforthisfield"; that is without actually importing the field . But that approach will fail for multi value fields. So as you said IMPORT FIELD and bind it the documented way fields[MULTISELECT_FIELD.fieldApiName] and pass the values as semicolon separated string.
    – vino
    Commented Oct 13, 2020 at 17:39

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