So here is the issue We are loading data into a CustomObject__c using DataLoader. Usually the no of records that are passed are 3. Also, if there is any issue with the data passed, they run the dataloader again and pass the corrected data. Now, the older data has to be deleted. So, I am handling it in before insert code and calling a batch in after insert code.
Here is the code for my trigger:
trigger TriggerCustom on CustomObject__c (before insert, after insert) {
List<CustomObject__c> customobjectlist = [Select Id from CustomObject__c WHERE CreatedDate = TODAY ];
if (Trigger.isBefore) {
delete exchlisttoday;
BatchApex b = BatchApex();
This was designed keeping in mind they pass only 3 records at a time. However, now they want to pass more than 200 records using data loader. How can I modify my trigger so that it fires only after one single dataload is completed (for e.g. if they pass 1000 records at once, the trigger has to fire only after the 1000 records are completely inserted