I have a method

import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.*;
import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.*;
    public static EnterpriseConnection connectToSalesforce()
    throws ConnectionException
        EnterpriseConnection connection = null;

        String username      = "myname";
        String password      = "mysecret";
        String securityToken = "bigstring";
        String authEndPoint = "https://test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/24.0/";
        ConnectorConfig connConfig = new ConnectorConfig();
        connConfig.setPassword(password + securityToken);
        connection = new EnterpriseConnection(connConfig);

        return connection;

that works great. Now I need to experiment with Metadata API so I copied the above with a few tweaks

import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.*;
import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.*;
import com.sforce.soap.metadata.*;
    public static MetadataConnection connectToSalesforceMetadata()
    throws ConnectionException
        MetadataConnection connection = null;

        String username      = "myname";
        String password      = "mysecret";
        String securityToken = "bigstring";
        String authEndPoint = "https://test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/24.0/";
        ConnectorConfig connConfig = new ConnectorConfig();
        connConfig.setPassword(password + securityToken);
        connection = new MetadataConnection(connConfig);

        return connection;

But connectToSalesforceMetadata() fails with a MalformedURLException. What's up with that?

Follow-on question: the Metadata API makes reference to a createMetadata() method that returns a SaveResult[] . But I don't have visibility to that method from neither an instance of EnterpriseConnection nor MetadataConnection . Am I missing an import ?


Still-learning Steve

2 Answers 2


This did the trick. I use my already-working method to create an EnterpriseConnection then use that to create the MetadataConnection. Works like a charm.

    public static MetadataConnection connectToSalesforceMetadata()
    throws ConnectionException
        MetadataConnection mconnection = null;

        EnterpriseConnection econnection = connectToSalesforce();
        LoginResult lr = econnection.login( econnection.getConfig().getUsername(), econnection.getConfig().getPassword());

        ConnectorConfig connConfig = new ConnectorConfig();
        connConfig.setSessionId( lr.getSessionId());
        connConfig.setServiceEndpoint( lr.getMetadataServerUrl());
        mconnection = new MetadataConnection( connConfig);

        return mconnection;

Thanks to all to replied!


Still-learning Steve

  • You can accept your answer now - you don't get any reputation points, but it's helpful for others!
    – metadaddy
    Commented May 6, 2014 at 16:49

On follow up question: "CreateMetadata" resource is available from API v30 onwards. As v30 is not GA yet, you need to connect to a prerelease spring14 org to avail this resource.

  • Ah, a versioning issue. Good catch! I'll stick with AsyncResult[] xxx = metadataConnection.create() then. Commented Apr 1, 2014 at 6:59

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