In our Org, we allow Partner Community members to create and own Opportunities. As the administrator, I would like to receive an email alert only when Partner Community members create an Opportunity, not when In-House users create an Opportunity.

The reason for this is that I need to ensure that the new Opportunities are being assigned to the appropriate person.

I have created an email alert and assigned it to a workflow rule, but the email is being sent even when the Opportunity is created in-house.

  • 1
    use criteria where $Profile.Name = 'thePartnerCommunityProfileName`
    – cropredy
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 0:14
  • @cropedy, Thank you. Your answer worked for me...but in reverse. Because our business model has more profiles which may have reason to create opportunities than thoes who should not, i set the criteria to exclude only "House" profiles. Now I only receive the alert when some creates an opportunity who does 'not' have a profile equal to "House". Outstanding!
    – Martial
    Commented Aug 25, 2020 at 5:00
  • you might want to accept the answer as a service to the Community
    – cropredy
    Commented Sep 3, 2020 at 19:48

1 Answer 1


Workflow rules (and for that matter, Process Builders, Lightning Flows, Visualforce Pages, Formulas, and Validation Rules) have access to certain runtime variables about the current user:

$User.xxx     // properties of the current user like $User.Email
$Profile.xxx  // properties of the current user's profile like $Profile.Name
$UserRole.xxx // properties of the current user's role like $UserRole.Name
$MyCustomPermission // presence of a custom permission held by current user
$Setup.XXX.field__c // value of hierarchical setting XXX's field__c 

The available values of xxx can be found in the UI's formula editor. For Workflows, Salesforce also surfaces the $User, $Profile, and $UserRole in the Current User: xxx dropdown in the rule editor.

So, in your example, the WFR criteria would be:

$Profile.Name <> 'House'


 Current User: Profile not equal House

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