I have an attribute in a lightning component that is a custom type array
<aura:attribute name="objClassController" type="MyController.MyParser[]" />
I've debugged to verify that I'm getting results returned from the callback. I can see that the callback function is successful and the response contains the object array.
I'm using aura:iteration
in the component:
<aura:iteration items="{!v.objClassController.results}" var="obj">
Here is the main class:
public class MyController {
@AuraEnabled public List<MyParser> results {get; set;}
public static List<MyParser> getRewardsInfo(string caseId) {
List<MyParser> retval = new List<MyParser>();
String uid = [select Order__r.Order_Number__c from Case where Id =: caseId].Order__r.Order_Number__c;
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
retval = MyController.parse(res.getBody());
return retval;
public static List<MyParser> parse(String json) {
return (List<MyParser>) System.JSON.deserialize(json, List<MyParser>.class);
Here is the parser class:
public class MyParser {
@AuraEnabled public String rewardId;
@AuraEnabled public String rewardProgramCode;
@AuraEnabled public String currentPoint;
@AuraEnabled public Coupon coupon;
@AuraEnabled public String lastActivityDate;
public class Coupon {
public String couponCode;
public String status;
I am not able to access the data that is returned in the List<MyParser> results
property when using aura:iteration
. Are the properties that are within the MyParser
class not accessible? I've annotated the properties with @auraEnabled
and they are public. Nothing displays when I view the component in a lightning record page, but I know the data is returned because the debug and console log statements shows data getting correctly returned. Is the dot notation I'm using to access the data incorrect?