I am trying to return some data from a wrapper class into my LWC component but keep getting errors whatever I try.
Whenever I load the page, I get property 'icon' undefined.
Here is my current code:
import { LightningElement, api, wire } from 'lwc';
import getRecordType from '@salesforce/apex/ChatterUtils.getRecordType';
export default class ChatterPost extends LightningElement {
@api post;
@wire(getRecordType, {recordId: '$post.Id'})
retrieveType(result) {
this.recordType = result.data;
public static CustomWrapper getRecordType(Id recordId) {
CustomWrapper cw = new CustomWrapper();
cw.icon = 'dummy-icon';
cw.styleClass = 'dummy-class';
return cw;
public class CustomWrapper {
public String icon {get; set;}
public String styleClass {get; set;}
public CustomWrapper() {
this.icon = 'default-icon';
this.styleClass = 'default-style';