I have a lightning component that shows as button on the record page like below
The lightning component Controller are like below
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId" access="global" controller="setCaseClose">
<aura:attribute name="updateCase" type="Case" default="{'sobjectType':'Case'}"/>
<lightning:button variant="brand" label="Close Case" onclick="{!c.updateCaseClose}" />
updateCaseClose : function(c, e, h) {
updateCaseClose_helper : function(c,e,h) {
var action = c.get("c.updateCheck");
action.setParams({caseId: c.get('v.recordId')});
Apex Class
public class setCaseClose {
public static void updateCheck(String caseId){
List<Case> records = [select id,Status from Case WHERE Id = :caseId];
for (Case record : records)
record.Status = 'Closed';
update records;
On click of the button it doesnt refresh the page and shows the updated Status. I have to manually refresh the page. I did try to add the $A.get('e.force:refreshView').fire();
in the helper it doesnt work
? Please edit your question to show us how you attempted to use it.