When creating a new Opportunity the contact role is automatically populated when the opportunity is created from a contact record(standard functionality). In the case where users create an opportunity from a different record (e.g Account), the opportunity contact role is not automatically populated.
I have create an after insert trigger to automatically insert an opportunity contact role based on a custom field "Related_Contact__c". This works when the opp is created from any record besides a contact. But in the situation when the record is created from a contact record, the trigger is still firing and therefor the contact has two opportunity contact roles..
Am I overlooking something?
public static void populateOpportunityOcr(List<Opportunity> newOpportunityRecords){
set<Id> newOppId = new set<Id>();
set<Id> newOppRelatedContactId = new set<Id>();
for(Opportunity o: newOpportunityRecords){
if(o.Related_Contact__c != NULL){
List<OpportunityContactRole> oppsLst = [SELECT Id, ContactId, OpportunityId FROM OpportunityContactRole WHERE ID IN: newOppId AND ContactId IN :newOppRelatedContactId];
List<OpportunityContactRole> ocrToInsert = new List<OpportunityContactRole>();
for(Opportunity ops: newOpportunityRecords){
if(ops.Related_Contact__c != NULL){
ocrToInsert.add(new OpportunityContactRole(contactId = ops.Related_Contact__c,
OpportunityId = ops.Id,
Role = 'Business User',
isPrimary = FALSE
Insert ocrToInsert;