So I have an application that would run a discord bot in Heroku, however, the files do not execute. I note that a proc file must be created. I do know it is just proc and not proc.txt, I do know it must be on the git repo on the root for, I just don't know what magical contents go inside. Help?
2 Answers
As stated in Hosting a Discord.js bot for free using Heroku, if your app is based on Node.js, it looks like you need to put only one line of code there.
For Node:
worker: node name_of_bot_file.js
If your're using Python, the line is quite similar (more sophisticated answer available at Stack Overflow: How do I host my bot on heroku?):
worker: python
: holdup im using for this, do I just change the extension or...? Commented Jan 15, 2020 at 18:57
@CodeWritten it's quite similar, check out my answer Commented Jan 15, 2020 at 20:32
how to do that for Java? I can start my bot manually using: sh target/bin/frdiscordbot
my Procfile is: worker: sh target/bin/frdiscordbot
but I can't enable the dyno... the button is disabled and I can't enable it.
edit: to enable the button you need to click the pencil icon... very good site.
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