I have a rest request (user initiated via a lwc button) to an Azure Function that gets sent a masterId and followerId which contacts are assigned to. The Azure function uses a SOSL query. It will send a response to Salesforce to process a batch class which will merge and then update contact records.
The request is successful if the number of contact records is below 8k but will fail with a 'System Exception: Read Timed Out' when sending more than 8k contact records.
Unfortunately, I can't move the contacts temporarily to a different masterId or followerId in order to lower the number of contacts to below the 8K threshold for each request.
Since more than 8K records exceeds the 2 minute request time limit, how would I limit the number of contact records that are sent with each request?
Any guidance and examples would be appreciated. Thanks!
This is the HTTP request:
public static Boolean merge(String masterId, String followerId){
String isRunningInSandbox = String.valueOf(Utils.runningInASandbox()).substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + String.valueOf(Utils.runningInASandbox()).substring(1,String.valueOf(Utils.runningInASandbox()).length());
JSONGenerator gen = JSON.createGenerator(true);
gen.writeStringField('is_sandbox', isRunningInSandbox);
String body = gen.getAsString();
String endpoint = 'https://myAzureFunction.azurewebsites.net/api/myAzureFunction?code=Kfhauf62894jhfjrfhjfhs81162Test==';
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setHeader('x-functions-key', 'pppq/8shgt/UQHUskfh239vnjewh21POPTEST==');
Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse response;
if (!Test.isRunningTest()){
response = http.send(req);
if (response.getStatusCode() == 500) {
return False;
return True;
import logging
import azure.functions as func
from simple_salesforce import SalesforceAPI
from functools import total_ordering
from json import JSONEncoder
import datetime
import json
import math
import os
class TerritoryMergeContact(JSONEncoder):
accountsProtectedMap = {'A Account’: '0013600000OXfZSAA1',
‘B Account’: '0013600000OXeNsAAL',
'C Account’: '0013600000OXdolAAD',
‘D Account': '0013600000OXdp0AAD',
'E Account': '0013600000OXdonAAD',
‘F Account': '0013600000xTmVlAAK',
‘G Account': '0013600000OXeOAAA1',
‘H Account': '0013600000OXeHdAAL',
‘I Account': '0013600000OXe1XAAT',
‘J Account': '0013600000OXeOMAA1',
‘K Account': '0013600000ut9g2AAA',
‘L Account': '0013600000OXegzAAD',
‘M Account': '0013600000OXdpGAAT',
’N Account': '0013600000OXeHaAAL',
‘O Account': '0013600000OXdpJAAT',
‘P Account': '0013600000OXdoUAAT',
‘Q Account': '0013600000OXdpQAAT',
‘R Account': '0013600000OXeLCAA1',
’S Account': '0013600000OXdpkAAD'}
def __init__(self, c):
self.contact = c
self.isGrouped = False
self.keyA = self.findKey(c['LastName'], c['CRD__c'])
self.keyB = self.findKey(c['LastName'], c['NPN__c'])
self.keyC = self.findKey(c['FirstName'], c['LastName'], c['Email'])
self.keyC2 = self.findKey(c['FirstName'], c['LastName'], c['Other_Email__c'])
self.keyC3 = self.findKey(c['FirstName'], c['LastName'], c['Personal_Email__c'])
self.keyD = self.findKey(c['FirstName'], c['LastName'], c['Phone'])
self.keyD2 = self.findKey(c['FirstName'], c['LastName'], c['OtherPhone'])
self.keyD3 = self.findKey(c['FirstName'], c['LastName'], c['MobilePhone'])
self.keyE = self.findKey(c['CRD__c'])
self.keyF = self.findKey(c['NPN__c'])
self.keyG = self.findKey(c['FirstName'], c['LastName'],c['MailingCity'], c['MailingState'], c['MailingPostalCode'])
self.level = self.getLevel(c)
self.noMergeBD = False
self.isNonMergeTable = False
self.mergeRule = None
self.isMaster = False
if (c['Broker_Dealer__c'] in self.accountsProtectedMap.values()):
# print(c['LastName'], c['Broker_Dealer__c'])
self.noMergeBD = True
self.isNonMergeTable = True
self.mergeRule = 'No-Merge BD'
def findKey(self, *args):
# print(args)
key = ''
for s in args:
if s != None:
key = key + s
return None
return key
def getLevel(self, c):
level = 15
if c['Retention_Stage__c']!=None and (c['Retention_Stage__c'][:1]=='3'):
level = 1
elif c['Retention_Stage__c']!=None and (c['Retention_Stage__c'][:1]=='2'):
level = 2
elif c['Retention_Stage__c']!=None and (c['Retention_Stage__c'][:1]=='1'):
level = 3
elif c[‘Company_Contact_ID__c']!=None and c['Contact_Stage__c']!=None and (c['Contact_Stage__c'][:1]=='5'):
level = 4
elif c['Retention_Stage__c']!=None and (c['Retention_Stage__c'][:1]=='4'):
level = 5
elif c['Retention_Stage__c']!=None and (c['Retention_Stage__c'][:1]=='5'):
level = 6
elif c['Contact_Stage__c']!=None and (c['Contact_Stage__c'][:1]=='5'):
level = 7
elif c['Contact_Stage__c']!=None and (c['Contact_Stage__c'][:1]=='4'):
level = 8
elif c['Contact_Stage__c']!=None and (c['Contact_Stage__c'][:1]=='3'):
level = 9
elif c['List_Source__c']!=None:
level = 10
elif c['Contact_Stage__c']!=None and (c['Contact_Stage__c'][:1]=='2'):
level = 11
elif c['Conference_Tracking__c']!=None:
level = 12
elif c['CreatedDate'][:4] == datetime.datetime.now().year:
level = 13
elif c['CreatedDate'][:4] == datetime.datetime.now().year-1:
level = 14
return level
def __lt__(self, other):
if int(self.level) - other.level < 0:
return True
elif int(self.level) - other.level > 0:
return False
if 'List_Source__c' in self.contact and 'List_Source__c' not in other.contact:
return True
elif 'List_Source__c' in other.contact and 'List_Source__c' not in self.contact:
return False
if 'Conference_Tracking__c' in self.contact and 'Conference_Tracking__c' not in other.contact:
return True
elif 'Conference_Tracking__c' in other.contact and 'Conference_Tracking__c' not in self.contact:
return False
return (self.contact['CreatedDate'] >= other.contact['CreatedDate'])
def default(self, o):
return o.__dict__
def reprJSON(self):
return self.__dict__
class ContactGroupWrapper(JSONEncoder):
def __init__(self, tmcList, groupingKey):
self.tmcList = tmcList
self.groupingKey = groupingKey
def default(self, o):
return o.__dict__
def reprJSON(self):
return dict(tmcList=self.tmcList, groupingKey=self.groupingKey)
class ComplexEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if hasattr(obj, 'reprJSON'):
return obj.reprJSON()
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
def run(username, password, token, is_sandbox, master_id, follower_id):
sf = SalesforceAPI(username, password, token, is_sandbox)
qry = 'SELECT Id, Name, Broker_Dealer__c, Contact_Stage__c, Retention_Stage__c, Conference_Tracking__c, CreatedDate, RecordType.Name, Company_Contact_ID__c, List_Source__c, Phone, OtherPhone, MobilePhone, CRD__c, FirstName, LastName, Email, Other_Email__c, Personal_Email__c, NPN__c, Territory__r.Name, MailingCity, MailingState, MailingPostalCode FROM Contact WHERE Territory__c IN (\'%s\', \'%s\') AND Contact_Stage__c!=\'%s\'' % (master_id, follower_id, 'Do Not Contact')
# print(qry)
contacts = sf.query_all(qry)
# print('RECORDS:', len(contacts['records']))
territoryMasterName = contacts['records'][0]['Territory__r']['Name']
tmcList = []
for c in contacts['records']:
tmc = TerritoryMergeContact(c)
groupNumber = 1
groupingMap = {} # Id, Integer - Id of Contact, groupingKey
cgwMap = {} # Integer, List<ContactGroupWrapper>
for key in ['keyA', 'keyB', 'keyC', 'keyC2', 'keyC3', 'keyD', 'keyD2', 'keyD3', 'keyE', 'keyF', 'keyG']:
for i in range(0, len(tmcList)-1):
sourceContact = tmcList[i]
sourceKey = getattr(sourceContact, key)
if sourceKey == None:
for j in range(i+1, len(tmcList)):
# Contact we want to match against
targetContact = tmcList[j]
targetKey = getattr(targetContact, key)
if targetKey == None or targetContact.isGrouped == True:
if targetKey == sourceKey:
if sourceContact.contact['Id'] in groupingMap.keys():
groupingMap[targetContact.contact['Id']] = groupingMap[sourceContact.contact['Id']]
elif targetContact.contact['Id'] in groupingMap.keys():
groupingMap[sourceContact.contact['Id']] = groupingMap[targetContact.contact['Id']]
groupingMap[sourceContact.contact['Id']] = groupNumber
groupingMap[targetContact.contact['Id']] = groupNumber
cgwMap[groupNumber] = ContactGroupWrapper([sourceContact, targetContact], int(groupNumber))
groupNumber += 1
sourceContact.isGrouped = True
targetContact.isGrouped = True
cgwList = list(cgwMap.values())
i = 0
contactsToUpdate = []
while i < len(cgwList):
cgw = cgwList[i]
numContracted = 0
isMultipleContracted = False
for tmc in cgw.tmcList:
if tmc.level <= 6:
numContracted += 1
if numContracted == 2:
isMultipleContracted = True
if isMultipleContracted == True:
for tmc in cgw.tmcList:
tmc.isNonMergeTable = True
tmc.mergeRule = 'Multiple Contracted Producers'
tmc.contact['Unique_BD_Rep_ID__c'] = str(
format(cgw.groupingKey, '05d'))+'/'+str(tmc.level)+'/'+tmc.mergeRule
del cgwList[i]
# Update no merge db unique bd rep id
isNoMerge = False
for tmc in cgw.tmcList:
if tmc.isNonMergeTable == True and tmc.noMergeBD == True:
isNoMerge = True
if isNoMerge == True:
for tmc in cgw.tmcList:
tmc.mergeRule = 'No-Merge BD'
tmc.contact['Unique_BD_Rep_ID__c'] = str(
format(cgw.groupingKey, '05d'))+'/'+str(tmc.level)+'/'+tmc.mergeRule
del cgwList[i]
i += 1
for tmc in tmcList:
if tmc.isNonMergeTable == False and tmc.noMergeBD == True:
tmc.mergeRule = 'Step 15'
tmc.contact['Unique_BD_Rep_ID__c'] = '/00000/' + \
for cgw in cgwList:
cgw.tmcList[0].isMaster = True
cgw.tmcList[0].mergeRule = 'Master Merged'
for j in range(1, len(cgw.tmcList)):
cgw.tmcList[j].isMaster = False
# print(len(cgwList))
x = 0
x_step = 500
total_batches = math.ceil(len(cgwList)/x_step)
n = 1
while x < len(cgwList):
if x+x_step <= len(cgwList):
x2 = x+x_step
x2 = len(cgwList)
isFinal = (n == max(total_batches-1, 1))
payload = {
"contactsToUpdate": [],
"territoryMasterName": territoryMasterName,
"cgwListString": json.dumps([x.reprJSON() for x in cgwList[x:x2]], cls=ComplexEncoder),
"isFinal": isFinal
result = sf.apexecute('Territory/Merge', method='POST', data=payload)
# print(result)
x = x2
n += 1
y = 0
y_step = 400
while y < len(contactsToUpdate):
if y+y_step <= len(contactsToUpdate):
y2 = y+y_step
y2 = len(contactsToUpdate)
payload = {
"contactsToUpdate": contactsToUpdate[y:y2],
"territoryMasterName": territoryMasterName,
"cgwListString": ''
result = sf.apexecute('Territory/UpdateContacts', method='POST', data=payload)
# print(result)
y = y2
return str(len(cgwList))
def main(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:
logging.info('Python HTTP trigger function processed a request.')
req_body = req.get_json()
is_sandbox = req_body.get('is_sandbox')
if is_sandbox == 'True':
username = os.environ['SFDC_UAT_USERNAME']
password = os.environ['SFDC_UAT_PASSWORD']
token = os.environ['SFDC_UAT_TOKEN']
username = os.environ['SFDC_PROD_USERNAME']
password = os.environ['SFDC_PROD_PASSWORD']
token = os.environ['SFDC_PROD_TOKEN']
master_territory = req_body.get('master_territory')
follower_territory = req_body.get('follower_territory')
result = run(username, password, token, is_sandbox, master_territory, follower_territory)
return func.HttpResponse(result)
return func.HttpResponse(
"Please pass is_sandbox, master_territory, follower_territory. Also check authentication.",