This article about oAuth 2.0 says , that user must provide security token to log in. Can i somehow disable usage of security tokens? I don't want my users to perform unnecessary operation.
Or may be there is some alternative way to find out , if user's login\password are valid in salesforce
My code to authorize (may be there is another issue why i have an error like
{"error_description":"expired access/refresh token","error":"invalid_grant"} )
private const string ClientId = "3MVG9A2kN3Bn17huRprJBCInrodPdsyHERlP1nUDPXnApOiQURGxtr9pxl...."; // Consumer Key from SFDC account
private const string ClientSecret = "43802039754906815..."; // Consumer Secret from SFDC account
private const string RedirectUrl = "https://localhost:8443/...."; // Redirect URL configured in SFDC account
private const string SfOAuthUrl = "";
public static void AuthenticateToSalesforce()
var username = "[email protected]";
var password = "MyPassword_Without_Security toke";
var parameters = "grant_type=password"
+ "&client_id=" + ClientId
+ "&client_secret=" + ClientSecret
+ "&redirect_uri=" + RedirectUrl
+ "&username=" + username
+ "&password=" + password;
var result = HttpPost(@SfOAuthUrl, @parameters);
public static string HttpPost(string URI, string Parameters)
var req = WebRequest.Create(URI);
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
req.Method = "POST";
var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Parameters);
req.ContentLength = data.Length;
var os = req.GetRequestStream();
os.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
var resp = req.GetResponse();
var sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream());
return sr.ReadToEnd().Trim();
catch (WebException ex)
var resp = new StreamReader(ex.Response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
return string.Empty;
I've also set the range of trusted IPs which, according to the article, should disable usage of security tokens, but error is still the same