So I was trying to expand on this budget app I made for a project. The Budget App is pretty basic having a Transaction object that has a master-detail relationship with a category object which in turn has a master-detail relationship with a budget.
My Category has a roll-up summary that gathers transaction amounts and sums it up. And the Budget in turn has a roll-up summary that collects the data from the categories.(I had to assign hidden variables that would be updated to equal the amount of the roll-up summary since you can't perform a roll-up summary on a roll-up summary).
The transactions have a date/time on them to mark when the transaction took place, as well as a checkbox that is updated to see if the transaction is in the same month and year as the budget's selected month/year (it won't always be the current month). There is a date/time variable on the budget to make this comparison and it works fine when I update the transaction.
However, I ran into an issue with attempting to update all the transactions when I change the selected month/year on the parent.
I attempted to use a flow to update all the transactions so they would run their process builder 'on-update check month/year' process. But I couldn't get it to work.
I attempted to use triggers and from what I can tell, It should work. But it fails to actually update any records.
Maybe i'm missing something obvious but this was my attempt.
trigger BudgetTrigger on Budget__c (before insert, before update, after insert, after update) {
if (Trigger.isBefore){
public class BudgetTriggerHandler {
public static void RefreshTransactions(List<Budget__c> Budget){
for(Budget__c b : Budget){
datetime selectedDate = b.Select_Budget_Month_Year_Date__c;
List<Category__c> Cat = [Select id
From Category__c
Where Budget_ID__c =];
for(Category__c c : Cat){
List<Transaction__c> Trans = [Select id, Date_Time__c
From Transaction__c
Where Category_ID__c =];
for(Transaction__c T : Trans){
if(T.Date_Time__c.month() == selectedDate.month() && T.Date_Time__c.year() == selectedDate.year()){
T.Is_Budges_Month_Year__c = true;
} else {
T.Is_Budges_Month_Year__c = false;
database.update(Trans, false);
tag is for questions about theCommunities