This is how you do it in LWC. You can pass components into another components using <slot>
Unnamed Slots
This example has an unnamed slot. An unnamed slot is a placeholder for any markup that a parent component passes into the body of c-slot-demo.
<!-- slotDemo.html -->
<h1>Add content to slot</h1>
Here’s the markup for a parent component that uses c-slot-demo.
<!-- slotWrapper.html -->
<p>content from parent</p>
When c-slot-demo is rendered, the unnamed slot is replaced with the markup passed into the body of c-slot-demo. Here’s the rendered output of c-slot-wrapper.
<h1>Add content to slot</h1>
<p>content from parent</p>
If a component has more than one unnamed slot, the markup passed into the body of the component is inserted into all the unnamed slots. This UI pattern is unusual. A component usually has zero or one unnamed slot.
Named Slots
This example component has two named slots and one unnamed slot.
<!-- namedSlots.html -->
<p>First Name: <slot name="firstName">Default first name</slot></p>
<p>Last Name: <slot name="lastName">Default last name</slot></p>
<p>Description: <slot>Default description</slot></p>
Here’s the markup for a parent component that uses c-named-slots.
<!-- slotsWrapper.html -->
<span slot="firstName">Willy</span>
<span slot="lastName">Wonka</span>
The c-slots-wrapper component passes:
- Willy into the firstName slot
- Wonka into the lastName slot
- Chocolatier into the unnamed slot
Here’s the rendered output.
First Name:
<slot name="firstName"><span slot="firstName">Willy</span></slot>
Last Name:
<slot name="lastName"><span slot="lastName">Wonka</span></slot>