I'm unable to finish an easy query, I could use some help on this.
I got a junction object called Creche_Zone_de_Tarification__c that links two objects (Account and Zone_de_tarification__c and that second is the one I want to query)
There is a Master-Detail relationship between Zone_de_tarification__c and Creche_Zone_de_Tarification__c, as you can see here :
I have a list of Creche_Zone_de_Tarification__c and want fill a list of Zone_de_tarification__c : I have to retrieve all Zone_de_tarification__c that are linked to a Creche_Zone_de_Tarification__c from the input list.
The relationship between the two objects is called : Creches_de_Zone_de_Tarification__r (cf screenshot juste before)
To describe this part of the project, I insert a list of Creche_Zone_de_Tarification__c, and whant to retrieve whose Zone_de_tarification__c are affected in order to do some treatment.
But when I try to add my where clause, everything goes down :
The error is : No such column 'Creches_de_Zone_de_Tarification__r' on entity 'Zone_de_Tarification__c'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.
As I understand the query, I am on a parent object and want the WHERE clause to be on a field on the children, So it should be : WHERE Relationship__r.field IN :(parentField) ?