I need to have the ability to preview a ContentDocument image in a lightning web component. Apparently lightning:fileCard is not available for LWC yet and the navigation mixin solution appears to not work if your lightning component is in a lightning community. There is also no thumbnail preview when you upload the document. Any ideas on a good work around for this? Any idea when/if this feature will be available? I'm currently creating a custom app for a client so I need to be able to say that it either isn't possible or there's a relatively easy way to implement it.
1 Answer
The NavigationMixin solution should work as well, with minor modification. According to this blog post, rather than using NavigationMixin.Navigate with type argument standard__namedPage and ContentDocumentId, you should be using standard__webPage along with the file URL.
type: 'standard__namedPage',
attributes: {
pageName: 'filePreview'
state : {
selectedRecordId: file.ContentDocumentId
} else if(this.usedInCommunity){
type: 'standard__webPage',
attributes: {
url: file.fileUrl
}, false );
<img src
tags with the servlet URL.