In Classic, the "Tab Set Id" (tsid) could be included in a link to switch the selected app. (Yes this is URL hacking.)

It looks like in Lightning Experience such switching is not possible:

Personally, I agree with this quote from the second link:

I am not sure why Salesforce doesn't provide a way to Deep Link to a Lightning App. Seems like a very basic feature, that most PaaS, SaaS platforms provide.

and would be delighted to find that there is in fact a way to do this. Is there?

1 Answer 1


I am able to switch apps using a url:

To switch to a standard app: https://[domain].my.salesforce.com/lightning/app/standard__Sales

To switch to a custom app: https://[domain].my.salesforce.com/lightning/app/c__[app developer name]

Bonus! You can also deeplink to an app and a record: https://[domain].my.salesforce.com/lightning/app/c__[appdevelopername]/r/Account/[recordid]/view

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