I am generating a dynamic SOQL but when I run my SOQL I am getting an error 1:213 no viable alternative at character ' ' My code

 * admin approval panal
public class ctrl_admin_approval_panal{

    public List<Approval__c> apprLst {get; set;} // To get the soql result 
    public Approval__c appr {get; set;} // getting the value form Vf page 
    Transient String query ;
    public string startDate;
    public string endDate;

    public ctrl_admin_approval_panal(){
        appr = new Approval__c ();
        apprLst = new List<Approval__c>();        

    // Search button
    public PageReference searchBtn(){
        System.debug('Start Date before '+ appr.Search_Data__c);
        System.debug('End date before ' + appr.End_Date__c);

        query = 'SELECT Name, Approval_Status__c, IP_Address_Save__c, Offer_Name__c, Offer_Name__r.Name FROM Approval__c WHERE Approval_Status__c = False';

        if(appr.User__c != null){             
            query = query + ' and User__c = \'' + appr.User__c + '\'' ; 

            if(appr.IP_Address_Save__c != null){
                query = query + ' and IP_Address_Save__c = \'' + appr.IP_Address_Save__c + '\'' ;

            if(appr.Search_Data__c != null){
                query = query + ' and Work_Done_on__c < ' + appr.Search_Data__c;
                query = query + ' and Work_Done_on__c > ' + appr.End_Date__c;
            if(appr.IP_Address_Save__c != null){
                query = query + ' and IP_Address_Save__c = \'' + appr.IP_Address_Save__c + '\''  ;

            if(appr.Search_Data__c != null){
                query = query + ' and Work_Done_on__c < ' + appr.Search_Data__c;
                query = query + ' and Work_Done_on__c > ' + appr.End_Date__c;

        system.debug('Query result ' + query );
        apprLst = Database.query(query );
        system.debug('Approval List ' + apprLst );

        return null;

When I try my SOQL in WorkBench I also get an error:

Work_Done_on__c < 2013-12-29T15:34:10 and Work_Done_on__c > 2014-02-01T15:34:10
ERROR at Row:1:Column:193
line 1:193 no viable alternative at character ' '

My SOQL statement:

SELECT Name, Approval_Status__c, IP_Address_Save__c, Offer_Name__c FROM Approval__c WHERE Approval_Status__c = False and User__c = 'a009000000' and Work_Done_on__c < 2013-12-29T15:34:10 and Work_Done_on__c > 2014-02-01T15:34:10

When I remove the Work_Done_on__c field the SOQL works properly. Does anybody have a solution to this problem?


2 Answers 2


The correct date/time format must be exactly:



  • YYYY is exactly a four digit year (0000-4000)
  • MM is exactly a two digit month (01-12)
  • DD is exactly a two digit day (01-31)
  • T is exactly T
  • hh is exactly a two digit hour (00-23, 00 is 12 AM)
  • mm is exactly a two digit minute (00-59)
  • ss is exactly a two digit second (00-59)
  • SSS is exactly a three digit millisecond (000-999)
  • Z is exactly Z, or a timezone offset formatted as: (+|-)hh:mm, exactly either a plus or minus sign, exactly a two digit hour (00-14), and mm is exactly a two digit minute (00-59); Z is the same as -00:00.

You may find it easier to use dynamic binding instead of trying to format date/time values yourself, due to the stringent requirements thereof. However, dynamic binding doesn't work on all types of variables (e.g. any variable that requires a function call).

  • hi, may i know how to add this format to the datetime value. It works when i set my datetime as 2013-12-29T15:34:10Z but it works on workbench when i manually edited the soql can you please guide me how to add T and Z to to the datetime uesing apex code.
    – user1194
    Commented Jan 28, 2014 at 3:50
  • @sk0042 This returns a locally formatted time for the user: DateTime.parse('1/31/2014 7:17 PM').format('YYYY-MM-DD\'T\'kk:mm:ss.SSSZ')
    – sfdcfox
    Commented Jan 28, 2014 at 12:12

Instead of using quotes to take care of strings, etc, use variable binding instead.

More info here: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/apexcode/Content/langCon_apex_SOQL_variables.htm

Your query would look like:

query = 'SELECT Name, Approval_Status__c, IP_Address_Save__c, Offer_Name__c, Offer_Name__r.Name FROM Approval__c WHERE Approval_Status__c = False';

//sfdcfox pointed out that you can't use complex variables in dynamic query binding..
//So instead, simply assign the fields to temporary variables like so.
Id userId = appr.User__c;
String ipAddressSave = appr.IP_Address_Save__c;
Datetime searchDate = appr.Search_Data__c;  //Datetime type?
Datetime enddate = appr.End_Date__c; //Datetime type?

if(appr.User__c != null){             
    query = query + ' and User__c = :userId' ; 

if(appr.IP_Address_Save__c != null){
    query = query + ' and IP_Address_Save__c = :ipAddressSave' ;

if(appr.Search_Data__c != null){
    query = query + ' and Work_Done_on__c < :searchDate';
    query = query + ' and Work_Done_on__c > :endDate';
  • But, dynamic binding doesn't work on complex variables, so that may be out of the question in this particular case.
    – sfdcfox
    Commented Jan 27, 2014 at 16:01
  • @sfdcfox good catch. Updated my answer to address complex variables. Commented Jan 27, 2014 at 16:21

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