I have a rich text field where users can attach images. I am displaying these images in a visualforce page. When I am rendering the images, I am not getting the images. Instead, the image is getting rendered as html text.
Here's my apex code:
public List<SObject> getResults () {
Id id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<SObject> results = [SELECT Id,
FROM myCustomObject__c
WHERE parent__c = :id];
return results;
And here's my visualforce:
<apex:repeat var="v" value="{! results }">
<div class="styleclass">
{! v.Name}
<div class="styleclass">
{! v.Screenshot__c}
v.Screenshot__c is giving me something like this:
<p><img src="https://mydomain.documentforce.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=imageid&feoid=someid&refid=someid" alt="myimage.png"></img><img src="https://mydomain.documentforce.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=imageid&feoid=someid&refid=someid" alt="anotherimage.png"></img></p>
Instead of this, how can I render an actual image.
Appreciate your help on this!