I have a apex:inputFile tag to upload a file I gave it an id to throw an error if the filesize exceeds 500k. The error is thrown but still I can see in my left corner of my chrome browser an attempt to upload the file. How do I abort this process.

Now I have to wait for the whole upload process.

 <apex:repeat value="{!newAttachments}" var="newAtt">
                    <apex:outputLabel value="Upload photo"/>                         
                    <apex:inputFile id="inputfile" value="{!newAtt.body}" filename="{!newAtt.name}"/><br/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Add More" action="{!addMore}"  onclick="checkFileSize();"/>
    function checkFileSize(){
    if ($("[id$=inputfile]")[0].files.length > 0) {
    //validate file attachment is not > 500k
    var uploadFileSize = $("[id$=inputfile]")[0].files[0].size;
    if (uploadFileSize > 1024 * 1024 * .5) {
        alert('File uploads must be less than 500k in size. Your file is: '+(Math.round(uploadFileSize/1024)) + 'k');
    else {

else {
    // no file attached, if not required, call save method

1 Answer 1


You need to prevent the default action in order to prevent the submission:

function checkFileSize(event){
  if ($("[id$=inputfile]")[0].files.length > 0) {
    //validate file attachment is not > 500k
    var uploadFileSize = $("[id$=inputfile]")[0].files[0].size;
    if (uploadFileSize > 2**19) {
      alert('File uploads must be less than 500k in size. Your file is: '+(uploadFileSize>>10) + 'k');
    // ... rest of code

Pass the event in through the onclick handler:

  • Thanks, been struggeling with this one quite a while to figure out.
    – Thomas
    Commented Dec 11, 2018 at 19:05

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