I have a visual force page, on my custom object Visit_Plan__c, looked like this
And my custom object relation : (Parent -> Child) Master_Visit_Plan__c -> Master_Visit_Plan_Branch__c -> Visit_Plan_Header__c -> Visit_Plan
I want to make billing account inputfield disappear if the Master_Visit_Plan__c Entitas_New_Field__c = 'Pusat'.
I tried to use IF inside the rendered
<apex:column headerValue="Billing Account">
<apex:inputfield value="{!var.vp2.Billing_Account__c}" rendered="{!IF(var.vp2.Visit_Plan_Header__r.Master_Visit_Plan_Branch__r.Master_Visit_Plan__r.Entitas_New__c='Pusat',false,true)}"/>
But seems like the if condition didnt met.. because even if my Master_Visit_Plan__c entitas_new__c field != 'pusat' (Else), the billing account inputfield disappear too