I built this error to fire off an exception when an account's SLA field with open cases is being changed, when it shouldn't.
trigger DoNotAllowSlaChangesWithOpenCases on Account (before update) {
//Find the account's open cases
List<Account> accountsWithCases = [SELECT Id,
FROM Cases
WHERE isClosed = false
FROM Account
WHERE Id IN :Trigger.New];
//Check if the account's SLA field is changed
for (Account acc : accountsWithCases) {
String oldSlaValue = Trigger.oldMap.get(acc.id).SLA__c;
String newSlaValue = Trigger.newMap.get(acc.id).SLA__c;
Boolean isAccountSlaChanged = oldSlaValue != newSlaValue;
//Check Open Cases
Boolean accHasOpenCases = acc.Cases.Size() > 0;
//Get the Trigger.new version of the account
Account accInTriggerNew = trigger.newMap.get(acc.Id);
//If SLA is changed and there are open cases
if(isAccountSlaChanged && accHasOpenCases){
accInTriggerNew.SLA__c.addError('Nope, not today baby!');
Test Class
private class testDoNotAllowChangesWithOpenCases {
static testMethod void runaTest() {
Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = 'Test Class';
acc.SLA__c = 'Gold';
insert acc;
Case c = new Case();
c.Origin = 'Phone';
c.Status = 'New';
c.Priority = 'Medium';
insert c;
try {
acc.SLA__c = 'Platium';
update acc;
}catch(Exception e){
System.assert(e.getMessage().contains('Nope, not today baby!'));
static testMethod void runaTest2() {
Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = 'Test Class';
acc.SLA__c = 'Platinum';
insert acc;
Case c = new Case();
c.Origin = 'Phone';
c.Status = 'New';
c.Priority = 'Medium';
insert c;
acc.SLA__c = 'Platium';
update acc;
try {
acc.SLA__c = 'Platium';
update acc;
}catch(Exception e){
System.assert(e.getMessage().contains('Nope, not today baby!'));
I am able to reach 88% code coverage with all of my code covered but can't seem to get the addError to be covered, are there any steps I should take.