I am getting the view state limit exceeded error. I have been reading about the transient keyword:
Declaring variables as transient reduces view state size. A common use case for the transient keyword is a field on a Visualforce page that is needed only for the duration of a page request, but should not be part of the page's view state and would use too many system resources to be recomputed many times during a request.
... My understanding is that, in a controller, in order to reduce the view state size, mark variables as transient that are needed in the controller logic but not needed to display the visual force page. Is that correct ?
public Practice__c practiceRecord {get; set;}
public User currentUser {get; set;}
public User practiceOwner;
public Id practiceId;
public List<HouseholdWrapper> activeHH {get; set;}
public List<HouseholdWrapper> marketingHH {get; set;}
public List<HouseholdWrapper> unassignedHH {get; set;}
public List<HouseholdWrapper> pageInUnassignedHouseHolds;
public List<HouseholdWrapper> filteredUnassignedList{get; set;}
public List<HouseholdWrapper> pageInActiveHouseHolds;
public List<HouseholdWrapper> pageInMarketingHouseHolds;
public Practice_Assignment_Change__c pacRecord {get; set;}
public List<Household__c> selectedUnassignedHouseholds{get; set;}
public List<Household__c> selectedActiveHouseholds{get; set;}
public List<Household__c> selectedMarketingHouseholds{get; set;}
public List<Household__c> householdCriteriaMet_False{get; set;}
public List<Household__c> updateHHList;
public List<Id> metCriteriaHH_Id;
public List<Id> notMetCriteriaHH_Id;
public List<Household_Practice_Assignment_Change__c> hhPracticeAsignmentChangeRecords;
public List<Household_Practice_Assignment_Change__c> hhNotMetCriteria {get;set;}
public List<Household_Practice_Assignment_Change__c> tempListHPAssignChange_True = new List<Household_Practice_Assignment_Change__c>();
public List<Household_Practice_Assignment_Change__c> tempListHPAssignChange_False = new List<Household_Practice_Assignment_Change__c>();
public List<Household_Practice_Assignment_Change__c> list_HPAssignChange;
public Boolean displayPopupForUnassigned {get; set;}
public Boolean displayPopupForActive {get; set;}
public Boolean displayPopupForMarketing {get; set;}
public Boolean displayAlert {get;set;}
public String buttonId {get; set;}
public String requested_status {get;set;}
public List<String> userbranchList = new List<String>();
public Boolean selectAll {get;set;}
public HouseholdWrapper temp;
/*-------Search functionality on unassigned HH-------*/
public List<SelectOption> eligibilityList {get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> managedList {get;set;}
public String selectedEligibility {get;set;}
public String selectedManaged {get;set;}
public Boolean managedFlag {get;set;}
public String assetEligibleMin {get;set;} // CRMT-62953 From decimal to string
public String assetEligiblemax {get;set;}
public Integer assetMaxEligibleBalance;
public Integer notInteger = 0;
public Integer totalSearchResult {get;set;}
public String onLoad;
public String state{get;set;}// CRMT-68325, CRMT-68322
private Integer counter_unassigned=0; //keeps track of the unassigned offset
private Integer counter_active = 0; //keeps track of the active offset
private Integer counter_marketing = 0; //keeps track of the Marketing offset
private Integer list_size = Integer.valueOf([SELECT List_Size_On_Page__c
FROM Practice_Constants__mdt
WHERE MasterLabel ='Default'].List_Size_On_Page__c); //Fixing the number of rows on a page
public Integer total_Unassignedsize; //stores the total size of the unassigned list
public Integer total_Activesize;//stores the total size of the active list
public Integer total_Marketingsize;//stores the total size of the Marketing list
/*-----------Custom Labels---------*/
public String clNoRecordsFound {get;set;}
public String clHHMetCriteria {get;set;}
public String clContinue {get;set;}
public String fieldNames = Practice_Constants.PA_FieldNames;
public String selectedEligibiliCondition;
public String userBranchCondition;
public Map<Id,List<Household__c>> pendingRequests{get;set;}
public Id defaultUserId;
public String isAlpha {get;set;} //Error message if min and max value is alphabatic
//27698--Calculate PAC Fields
public Decimal activeProjectedRevenue = 0;
public Decimal marketingCount = 0;
public Map<String,Decimal> calculatePotentialServicePay = new Map<String,Decimal>();
public List<Calculate_PA_Fields__mdt> calculatePAFields = [SELECT Job_Code__c,Percentage__c
FROM Calculate_PA_Fields__mdt];
public Boolean isCurrentUserPAT;
public Boolean isCurrentUserBM{get; set;}
public Boolean isCurrentUserFC {get; set;}
public Boolean isPATOrBMOrAdmin {get; set;}
public Household__c transferPractice {get; set;} //Considering Household as HH is lookup to the Practice, considering HH instance can choose Practice.
public String transfer_ErrorMessage {get; set;}
public List<Household__c> transferInBranchHH;
public List<Household__c> transferOutBranchHH {get;set;}
public List<Household__c> transferSelectedHH {get; set;}
public String practiceDescription {get; set;}
I have this huge list of variables should I transiate the ones that are needed only within the controller ?
Edit, to clarify my thinking:
I found this field
public List<Calculate_PA_Fields__mdt> calculatePAFields = [SELECT Job_Code__c,Percentage__c
FROM Calculate_PA_Fields__mdt];
this field is only used to fill up another map, it is public however so I don't want to move it because I think it could be used somewhere else, is this the sort of variable that could easily be transient ?