All the test classes pass when I run them but I get validation error when I try to deploy:
test class name: RELVSRenewalControllerTest
method name: testaddServicedCommunityObjectNoFile
error :
System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101 Stack Trace: Trigger.contactUserRole: line 7, column 1
Test class:
@IsTest static void testaddServicedCommunityObjectNoFile() {
Integer assertCountServicedCommunityCurrent = 0;
try {
System.debug('inside testclass - testaddServicedCommunityObjectNoFile');
Id p = [select id from profile where name = 'REL VSA Community User'].id;
//System.debug('P into test routine - ' + p);
UserRole userrole = [Select id, name from userrole where portalType = 'None' limit 1];
System.debug('***userrole ***'+ userrole);
List<Contact> aCommunityContactList = [select ID, lastName from contact where lastName like '%Community%'];
System.debug('# of contacts aCommunityContactList - ' + aCommunityContactList.size());
// System.debug('$$$Contact first Name$$-'+ aCommunityContactList.firstName);
List<User> aUserList = new List<User> ();
For (Contact aCommunityUser : aCommunityContactList) {
//system.debug('Account Id - ' + aCommunityUser.AccountId);
aUserList.add(new User(alias = aCommunityUser.LastName.right(8), email = aCommunityUser.LastName + '',
emailencodingkey = 'UTF-8', lastname = aCommunityUser.LastName, languagelocalekey = 'en_US',
localesidkey = 'en_US', profileid = p, country = 'United States', IsActive = true,
ContactId = aCommunityUser.Id, //,
timezonesidkey = 'America/Los_Angeles', username = aCommunityUser.LastName.right(8) + ''));
System.debug('$$$Contact Last Name$$-'+ aCommunityUser.lastName);
System.debug('$$$Contact ContactId $$-'+ aCommunityUser.Id);
List<User> myTestUsers = [SELECT id, Name From user where email like ''];
system.debug('# of users = ' + myTestUsers.size());
//Check When Lookup value null
For (User myTestUser : myTestUsers) {
//System.debug('myTester: ' + myTestUser + myTestUser.Name);
system.runAs(myTestUser) {
//Remove - todo
List<Contact> tempContactList = [select id from contact];
system.debug('Plain contact query count - ' + tempContactList.size());
//Remove - todo - end
ID contactId = [Select contactid from User where id = :Userinfo.getUserid()].contactId;
ID aAccountID = [Select AccountID from Contact where id = :contactid].AccountId;
system.debug('Account ID Processed for ' + myTestUser.Name + ' is ' + aAccountID);
List<REL_VS_Submission__c> myTestSubmissions = [SELECT id From REL_VS_Submission__c where REL_VS_Account__c = :aAccountID];
PageReference pageRef = Page.RELVSRenewal1;
ApexPAges.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(myTestSubmissions[0]);
RELVSRenewalController atestcontroller = new RELVSRenewalController(sc);
system.debug('Contact size returned by CC addServicedCommunityObject - ' + atestcontroller.anewServicedCommunity.size());
assertCountServicedCommunityCurrent = assertCountServicedCommunityCurrent + atestcontroller.anewServicedCommunity.size();
System.assertEquals(4, assertCountServicedCommunityCurrent);
For (User myTestUser : myTestUsers) {
//System.debug('myTester: ' + myTestUser + myTestUser.Name);
system.runAs(myTestUser) {
//Remove - todo
List<Contact> tempContactList = [select id from contact];
system.debug('Plain contact query count - ' + tempContactList.size());
//Remove - todo - end
ID contactId = [Select contactid from User where id = :Userinfo.getUserid()].contactId;
ID aAccountID = [Select AccountID from Contact where id = :contactid].AccountId;
system.debug('Account ID Processed for ' + myTestUser.Name + ' is ' + aAccountID);
List<REL_VS_Submission__c> myTestSubmissions = [SELECT id From REL_VS_Submission__c where REL_VS_Account__c = :aAccountID];
PageReference pageRef = Page.RELVSRenewal1;
ApexPAges.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(myTestSubmissions[0]);
RELVSRenewalController atestcontroller = new RELVSRenewalController(sc);
atestcontroller.anewCommunity.REL_VS_County__c = [select id from REL_VS_County__c limit 1].id;
atestcontroller.anewCommunity.REL_VS_Community__c = [select id from REL_VS_Community__c limit 1].id;
atestcontroller.communityAddedReason='Expanding into new service area' ;
// atestcontroller.acommunityDocumentType='Expired Franchise Agreement';
//atestcontroller.principalofficerfilebody = Blob.valueOf('testfile');
//atestcontroller.principalofficerfileName = 'testfile.pdf';
system.debug('ServicedCommunity size returned by CC addServicedCommunityObject - ' + atestcontroller.anewServicedCommunity.size());
assertCountServicedCommunityCurrent = assertCountServicedCommunityCurrent + atestcontroller.anewServicedCommunity.size();
System.assertEquals(6, assertCountServicedCommunityCurrent);
catch(Exception e) {
throw e;
There is trigger which was written by another developer.
Trigger contactUserRole on Contact (after insert, after update) {
Id profileAccountManagerId, profileHRManagerId;
Profile profileAccountManager = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE name =
'Account Manager Community Profile'];
profileAccountManagerId = profileAccountManager.Id;
Profile profileHRManager = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE name = 'HR
Manager Community Profile'];
profileHRManagerId = profileHRManager.Id;
List<User> users = [SELECT Id, ContactId FROM User WHERE ContactId IN
for (User u :users) {
Contact c = Trigger.newMap.get(u.ContactId);
if (c.Portal_Access_Rights__c == 'Account Manager') {
updateCommunityUsers.updateUser(u.Id, profileAccountManagerId);
} else if (c.Portal_Access_Rights__c == 'HR Manager') {
updateCommunityUsers.updateUser(u.Id, profileHRManagerId);
} else if (c.Portal_Access_Rights__c == 'No Portal Access') {
updateCommunityUsers.updateUser(u.Id, null);
Is there a way I can change my test class rather than changing the trigger?