I have working Code the sends an SMS or Voice call via Apex and Twilio, Great stuff. The trouble I am having is writing the Tests (maybe because its Friday?) and I just need a little help. I don't do near enough Apex for my liking and I am feeling it here.
I know I should be writing a Http mock someplace in my test...Any help/pointers would be most appreciated.
Working SMS:
public class TwilioSMSInvocable {
public static void callPhoneService(List<ID> caseIDs) {
List<Twilio_SMS__c> SelectTwilio_SMS = [Select Id, MobileNumber__C, Message__c from Twilio_SMS__c Where ID in :caseIDs] ;
for (Twilio_SMS__c t : SelectTwilio_SMS){
Map<String,String> params = new Map<String,String> {
'To' => t.MobileNumber__c,
'From' => '13176666666',
'Body' => t.Message__c
private static void DoCallout(Map<String, String> params){
String account = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
String token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
TwilioRestClient client = new TwilioRestClient(account, token);
TwilioSMS sms = client.getAccount().getSMSMessages().create(params);
System.Debug('TwilioSMS ' + sms) ;
Working Voice:
public class TwilioCallInvocable {
public static void callPhoneService(List<ID> caseIDs) {
List<Twilio_Voice__c> SelectTwilio_Voice = [Select Id, Say__c, URL_Build__c from Twilio_Voice__c Where ID in :caseIDs] ;
for (Twilio_Voice__c t : SelectTwilio_Voice){
Map<String,String> params = new Map<String,String> {
'To' => t.MobileNumber__c,
'From' => '+13176666666',
'Url' => t.URL_Build__c
private static void DoCallout(Map<String, String> params){
String account = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
String token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
TwilioRestClient client = new TwilioRestClient(account, token);
TwilioCall call = client.getAccount().getCalls().create(params);
system.debug('TwilioCAL' + call);
Test Class:
private class TwilioSMSTest
static testmethod void testTwilioSMSInvocable()
Map<String,String> params = new Map<String,String> {
'To' => '+17602444355',
'From' => '13176664444',
'Body' => 'test message'
String account = 'AC6a217d8adb3460b5870c05bc6c666666';
String token = '397c3f614cd3cf783154dc2383234444';
TwilioRestClient client = new TwilioRestClient(account, token);
TwilioSMS sms = client.getAccount().getSMSMessages().create(params);
Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new TwilioSMSTest());
Error Message "TwilioRestException: The requested resource was not found more info: null" , and 0 test coverage
Updated Test Class
Twilio_SMS__c txt = new Twilio_SMS__c();
txt.Name = 'Tom';
insert txt;
// List<Twilio_SMS__c> insertedRecord = [Select Id, Name from Twilio_SMS__c Where Name ='Tom'];
// used--> TwilioSMSInvocable.callPhoneService(insertedRecord);
// -- error -- Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void callPhoneService(List<Twilio_SMS__c>) from the type TwilioSMSInvocable
// Twilio_SMS__c insertedRecord = [Select Id, Name from Twilio_SMS__c Where Name ='Tom'];
// used--> TwilioSMSInvocable.callPhoneService(insertedRecord);
// -- error --- Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void callPhoneService(Twilio_SMS__c) from the type TwilioSMSInvocable
Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new TwilioSMSTest());
// see documented attempts above
// txt above -- error-- Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void callPhoneService(Twilio_SMS__c) from the type TwilioSMSInvocable
What am I doing wrong?
doesn't implementHttpCalloutMock