I'm having a problem with my code because I need to get a list of records of a dynamic type, and that is working alright, but then I need to use some of the fields and can't reach them, giving me the error
Variable does not exist
Here is a sample of the code:
String queryString = 'select Id, '+ camposMainObj.get(0) +', '+
camposMainObj.get(1)+', '+ camposMainObj.get(2) +', test__c from '
+sObjName+ ' where Id = \''+recordId+'\'';
List<sObject> obj = database.query(queryString);
system.debug('sObjName ::::::::: '+obj);
string listType = 'List<'+sObjName+'>';
List<sObject> castRecords = (List<sObject>)Type.forName(listType).newInstance();
ChartObject__c co = new ChartObject__c();
co.Pai__c = castRecords[0].Id;
co.PaiName__c = castRecords[0].Name;
co.PaiEmail__c = castRecords[0].Email__c;
co.PaiPhone__c = castRecords[0].Phone__c;
The variable sObjName
contains the correct object type (in this case Pai__c
Only the Id is recognized. The result query looks like this:
(Pai__c:{Id=a070O00001uWD58QAG, Name=pai1, Phone__c=910987654, [email protected], test__c=asdf}
So I can get every field from the query, but can only get the Id on the new object and it matches the queried one. The Name, Phone__c, Email__c, etc give me that error. I tried many solutions but can't seem to make it work.