Here is the field I am trying to update, the far left is the picklist I am wanting to update. the field on the left is another picklist. both lists have the same values.
As you can see below I have tried a number of approaches. Is this possibly a limitation with the Javascript button?
Any help would be appreciated.
Example 1
00N5000000AIfdn = {!TEXT($User.New_Business_Admin__c)};
- Error: Invalid or unexpected token error
Example 2
app.New_Business_Admin2__c = {!TEXT($User.New_Business_Admin__c)};
- Error: Unexpected Token ; (I am not missing one nor do I have duplicates)
Example 3
app.New_Business_Admin2__c = '{!$User.New_Business_Admin__c}';
- Error: Field New_Business_Admin__c is a picklist field. Picklist fields are only supported in certain functions.
Example 4
00N5000000AIfdn = {!$User.New_Business_Admin__c};
- Error: Field New_Business_Admin__c is a picklist field. Picklist fields are only supported in certain functions