I have two upsert statements which insert/update a parent and the child records. The parent may be a new record (created from an overridden "new" visualforce page) or an existing record (overridden "edit" visualforce page, same page). The problem I'm running into is that for a new record, after I upsert the parent it gets a new ID (as it should) but then if the upsert of the children fail (because it triggers validation rule) the parent still has the ID, even when I roll back with a savepoint. Then when I clear out the errors, the upsert of the parent fails because it still has the ID from the first failed upsert which is no longer valid.
How can I clear that ID if the upserts fail so that the database will give the parent a new id after a successful upsert?
My controller (the issues comes on the Save_PA method):
public with sharing class PayrollAuthorization_extn {
public list <PA_Distribution__c> PayrollDistributionList {get; set;}
public Payroll_Authorization__c PA;
public String rowID {get;set;}
public List<PA_Distribution__c> delProgramList {get; set;}
public ID TempPA_ID;
public PayrollAuthorization_extn(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
PA = (Payroll_Authorization__c)controller.getRecord();
If (PA == null) PA = new Payroll_Authorization__c();
PayrollDistributionList = [Select Id, Name, Program__c,Payroll_Authorization__c, Program_Percent__c, Program_as_Number__c, Program_ID__c
From PA_Distribution__c
Where Payroll_Authorization__r.id =: controller.getId()
delProgramList = new List<PA_Distribution__c>();
public void addRow(){
PayrollDistributionList.add(new PA_Distribution__c( Payroll_Authorization__c = PA.id));
public PageReference SavePA (){
Savepoint sp;
sp = Database.setSavepoint();
TempPA_ID = PA.id;
upsert PA;
for (PA_Distribution__c PD: PayrollDistributionList) {
If (PD.Payroll_Authorization__c == null){
PD.Payroll_Authorization__c = PA.Id;
//System.debug ('PA_fromController following upsert ID is' + PA_fromController.id);
upsert PayrollDistributionList;
delete delProgramList;
return (new ApexPages.StandardController(PA)).view();
Catch (Exception ex){
PA.id = TempPA_ID;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,ex.getMessage()));
return null;
public void deleteRow(){
PA_Distribution__c del;
Integer i = Integer.valueOf(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('RowID'));
del= PayrollDistributionList[i];
If (rowID != ''){
If(del.Id <> null) delProgramList.add(del);