I have two sets of 250k records I need to update in production. I am trying to figure out the best way to attack it. I need to hit a webservice that has a future callout, and then take the data to update records.
I originally wrote some Batch APEX and was getting back a limits error: "Future method cannot be called from a future or batch method". As you can see in this article, Batch Apex does, in fact, not support future callouts: http://help.geopointe.com/customer/portal/articles/1767162-future-method-cannot-be-called-from-a-future-or-batch-method
I then did some research and included a Queueable class but am still getting a limits exception: "Too many future calls: 51". This to me means that the Queable method might allow Batch to happen on Future but I need to handle it differently, or I am writing the code wrong. I tried manipulating my code so that the webservice would only get hit once with a list of data but I found that I would have to majorly change the rest of my code to get this to work.
My last resort would be to give our Principal Software Developer a CSV and ask him to try and run it along with his webservice. But I am not sure if he can even do this.
Could anyone tell me if it is possible at all to do Batchable on future calls? Or am I spinning my wheels?
global class BatchableEncryptedEmailBackfill implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,Database.AllowsCallouts,Database.Stateful{
global final String Query;
global final String Entity;
global final String Field;
global final String Value;
global static List<Lead> changedLeads;
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
String query = 'SELECT Id, Web_Id_NatFund__c FROM Lead WHERE pi__url__c != NULL AND Encrypted_Email_String__c = NULL';
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Lead> listLead){
System.enqueueJob(new QueueClass(new Map<Id, Lead>(listLead).keySet()));
/*for(Lead l: listLead) {
if(l.Web_Id_NatFund__c != NULL) {
String val = l.id + ',' + l.Web_Id_NatFund__c;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){
system.debug('got into finish:' + BC);
public class QueueClass implements Queueable {
Set<Id> recordids;
public QueueClass(Set<Id> recordIds) {
this.recordIds = recordIds;
public void execute(QueueableContext context) {
for(Lead l: [SELECT Id, Web_Id_NatFund__c FROM Lead WHERE pi__url__c != NULL AND Encrypted_Email_String__c = NULL]) {
if(l.Web_Id_NatFund__c != NULL) {
String val = l.id + ',' + l.Web_Id_NatFund__c;
ConsoleApplicationLinkController.getShortenedLinkLT(val); //webservice