There are 2 child objects for Account object, namely AccChild1 and AccChild2. Is it possible to traverse from AccChild2 to Account object, and then from Account to AccChild1 object in a single SOQL query?

This is something like: Child1 --> Parent --> Child2


1 Answer 1


Answer is yes, you can do it one soql.

List<Account> accts = [
    select Id, (
        select Id from AccChildren2__r
    from Account
    where Id in (
        select Account__c from AccChild1__c

for(Account acct :accts){
    List<AccChild2__c> children2 = acct.AccChildren2__r;
    //do something

Pay attention, that you need to specify correct child relationship name for AccChild2__c sobject from Account. refer to Understanding Relationship Names, Custom Objects, and Custom Fields

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