I'm creating a visualforce page with search field for Account Name and the search result output should have the following details in a table: Account Name, Billing Country, Shipping Country, CONTACT NAME, Type, Year Created
Now, I am able to display and search individual accounts like the one in the figure:
But what I need is to display the Account Names repeatedly for every Contacts it has, like the next figure:
My search query goes like this
string searchquery='SELECT Id, Name, BillingCountry, ShippingCountry, Type, Year_Created__c, (SELECT Id, Name FROM Contacts__r) FROM Account WHERE Name LIKE \'%'+acct.Name+'%\' Limit 20';
acc= Database.query(searchquery);
But whenever I try to display the Contacts__r
field in visualforce page using
<apex:column value="{!a.Contacts__r}" />
I get this error:
Could not resolve field 'Contacts__r' from value binding '{!a.Contacts__r}' in page accountsearch
What could I have been doing wrong? Anyone who can shed some light regarding this is greatly appreciated!
EDIT-------------------------------------------------------- I tried using a wrapper as @Ankita has mentioned but I can't seem to make it work. Can you please help me debug my code?
public class AccountSearchController {
Public list <account> acc {get; set;}
Public list <contact> con {get; set;}
Public String country {get; set;}
Public String contactName {get; set;}
Public Account acct{get; set;}
Public Contact cont{get; set;}
public List<aTableRow> tableRows { get; set; }
public class aTableRow {
public Contact theContact { get; set; }
public Account theAccount { get; set; }
public aTableRow( Account a, Contact c) {
theContact = c;
theAccount = a;
Public AccountSearchController (ApexPages.StandardController controller)
acct.OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId();
cont=new Contact();
cont.OwnerID = UserInfo.getUserID();
con = [SELECT Id, Name, AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Contact.AccountId IN :acc];
tableRows = new List<aTableRow>();
for(Account a: acc){
for(Contact c: con) {
tableRows.add(new aTableRow(a,c));
Public void search(){
string searchquery='SELECT Id, Name, BillingCountry, ShippingCountry, Type, Year_Created__c FROM Account WHERE Name LIKE \'%'+acct.Name+'%\' Limit 20';
acc= Database.query(searchquery);
string searchqueryCountry='SELECT Id, Name, BillingCountry, ShippingCountry, Type, Year_Created__c FROM Account WHERE BillingCountry LIKE \'%'+country+'%\' Limit 20';
acc= Database.query(searchqueryCountry);
string searchqueryContact='SELECT Id, Name, BillingCountry, ShippingCountry, Type, Year_Created__c FROM Account WHERE Contact__r LIKE \'%'+contactName+'%\' Limit 20';
acc= Database.query(searchqueryContact);
string searchqueryType='SELECT Id, Name, BillingCountry, ShippingCountry, Type, Year_Created__c FROM Account WHERE Type LIKE \'%'+acct.Type+'%\' Limit 20';
acc= Database.query(searchqueryType);
tag. And by the way, the correct API name for Contact isContacts
and notContacts__r