There are two objects student_details__c and department__c. department__c - contains name and no_of_students__c; student_details__c contains name, department(lookup to department object).

when a student is inserted in a department, that respective department needs to increment the no_of_students__field,similarly when department is changed of a student from one dept to other then no_of_students__c needs to be incremented in the new department and decremented from the old department field. no_of_student__c is the total count of students in respect to the department the belong to in each department object.

There maybe other ways to accomplish this,but need to create a trigger for this at the moment.

I dont know why it is giving me error,it is


trigger Deptnumberupdate on Student_Details__c (after insert, after update,after delete) {

    studentchangeshandler studobj = new studentchangeshandler();

    studobj.afterupdate(trigger.new );

Trigger Handler

public class studentchangeshandler{

         public void afterupdate(student_details__c[] newstudList , map<id,sobject> oldstudlist) {

         set<id> Deptids = new set<id>();

         for(student_Details__c record: newstudlist){


        list<department__c> deptlist = [select id,name,no_of_students__c,(select id from student_details__r) from department__c where id in:Deptids];

     for(department__c dept : deptlist){

               if (dept.Name == 'CSE')
                   dept.no_of_students__c = dept.no_of_students__c +1;

                else if (dept.Name == 'ECE')
                   dept.no_of_students__c = dept.no_of_students__c +1;
                else if (dept.Name == 'IT')
                   dept.no_of_students__c = dept.no_of_students__c +1;

                else if (dept.Name == 'EEE')
                   dept.no_of_students__c = dept.no_of_students__c +1;


            for(department__c dept : deptlist){       
                  for(Student_details__c student : dept.student_details__r){
        Student_details__c oldStud = (student_details__c)Trigger.oldMap.get(student.ID);

             //student_details__c oldstud = (student_details__c)oldstudlist.get(dept.ID);
                       if (oldstud.department__c == 'CSE')
                   dept.no_of_students__c = dept.no_of_students__c -1;


                else if (dept.Name == 'ECE')
                   dept.no_of_students__c = dept.no_of_students__c -1;
                else if (dept.Name == 'IT')
                   dept.no_of_students__c = dept.no_of_students__c -1;

                else if (dept.Name == 'EEE')
                   dept.no_of_students__c = dept.no_of_students__c -1;


  update deptlist;   



getting error

Error: Invalid Data. Review all error messages below to correct your data. Apex trigger Deptnumberupdate caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: Deptnumberupdate: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object: Class.studentchangeshandler.afterupdate: line 89, column 1 at line student_details__c oldstud = (student_details__c)Trigger.oldMap.get(dept.ID);

2 Answers 2


Trigger.oldMap is Map of student_details__c object and not department__c object. So, you are trying to fetch wrong value.

Also, this map is returning a null value which you are trying to typecast to student_details__c object.

  • I am trying to get the student_detail__c record which is related to the department__c.how could I make this method work?
    – Niknit
    Commented Jul 14, 2017 at 12:29

Problem is with this line:

student_details__c oldstud = (student_details__c)Trigger.oldMap.get(dept.ID);

Trigger.oldMap has mapping with the id of a Student_details__c and you're trying to get it with dept.Id. This will return null since department Id's are different from Student_details__c id.

Your problem can be solve like this:

// Iterate related list of Student associated deptList 
for(department__c department:deptlist) {
    for(Student_details__c student : department.student_details__r){
        Student_details__c oldStudent = (student_details__c)Trigger.oldMap.get(student.ID);
  • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.
    – Adrian Larson
    Commented Jul 14, 2017 at 14:38

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