I apologise in advance as i know this should be simple and other people ask this same question but no matter how i try to re-write my code i keep getting errors so ive given in and thought id ask for some help.
For each price book entry against the standard price book, i need to find matching non-standard price book entrys that have the same Product2Id and update them. My code is below and obviously im hitting the SOQL query limit since its inside the for loop.
pricebook2 SPB = [SELECT Id FROM Pricebook2 WHERE IsActive = true AND IsStandard = true];
String SPBId = SPB.Id;
//get book entries for the standard price book
List<pricebookEntry> StandardPBEntries = [SELECT Id,Product2Id FROM pricebookEntry WHERE priceBook2Id = :SPBId];
//loop around standard price book entries looking for matches against non standard entries
for (pricebookEntry StandardEntry : StandardPBEntries)
String prod2Id = StandardEntry.Product2Id;
//look for matches
List<pricebookEntry> Matches = [SELECT Id, Name, Pricebook2Id, Product2Id, IsActive, Is_Negotiated__c FROM PricebookEntry
where product2id = :prod2Id and isactive = true
and priceBook2Id IN (SELECT Id FROM Pricebook2 WHERE IsActive = true AND IsStandard = false)];
if(Matches.size() > 0)
for (pricebookEntry aMatch : Matches)
//update required data
value in aSet<Id>
and use this set in theSOQL
query withIN: idsSet