I have 2 user profiles: internal user and partner user (partner portal). I want to have separate behaviours when each user clicks on the Opportunity New button, to create a new opportunity:

  • internal user clicks on Opportunity New button - redirect to a custom visualforce page;

  • partner user clicks on Opportunity New button - redirect to a custom the standard opportunity edit page;

I have:

  1. replaced the standard "New" button with my custom VF page;
  2. in the VF page I've added an action to check and redirect to the correct page;
  3. in the controller, the method checks the context user and if it's a partner user, redirects to the standard opportunity edit page.

This works fine for internal user; for the partner user, it does redirect to the standard page but, for some reason, it gets into some kind of loop and the page never actually loads.

I wonder if the link I am redirecting to is correct or if there's something I am doing wrong.

Here's a snippet of the code:

VF Page:

<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" extensions="OpportunityController" tabStyle="Opportunity" action="{!redirectForPartner}">



public PageReference redirectForPartner(){

    User user;
    Id userId = UserInfo.getUserId();

    if(userId != null){
        user = [Select Id, Name, Email, Username, ProfileId, Profile.Name From User Where Id =: userId];


        PageReference pr = new PageReference('/partner/006/e?retURL=%2Fpartner%2F006%2Fo');
        return pr;


    return null;


3 Answers 3


You could have done all of this without any apex code at all:

<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" 
    URLFOR($Action.Opportunity.New, null, null, true),
    URLFOR($Page.NewOpportunity, null, null)}"></apex:page>

I'd recommend having the custom Visualforce page be separate so that the redirect is on its own page. It's a little easier to manage this way.

  • Did you mean $Action instead of $ObjectType getting error ApexPagesDescribeSObjectResult.New - Nice tip, thanks
    – Eric
    Commented Jun 7, 2017 at 15:11
  • @Eric Yeah, I did.
    – sfdcfox
    Commented Jun 7, 2017 at 15:15
  • Thanks @sfdcfox! Yes, this was definately what I was aiming for. Best!
    – eclf
    Commented Jun 12, 2017 at 18:01
  • @Eric - Thanks to you as well Eric. $Action was the correct one. Cheers!
    – eclf
    Commented Jun 12, 2017 at 18:01

You need to stop the override by using the nooverride parameter.

Change as follows:


    PageReference pr = new PageReference('/partner/006/e?retURL=%2Fpartner%2F006%2Fo&nooverried=1');
    return pr;


Ok, so with the help of @sfdcfox and @Eric, I think I got the answer. I had to tweak the action a little bit.

2 things I had to change:

1) I needed to add a retURL to this URLFOR($Action.Opportunity.New, null, null, true) because the Cancel button on the standard page wasn't doing anything.

2) I replaced this URLFOR($Page.NewOpportunity, null, null)})} for null, because I was getting one of those strange Internal Errors from Salesforce. I think because the page was calling itself, it might've entered some kind of loop.

I ended up with this:

action="{!IF($Profile.Id==PARTNER_PROFILE_ID, URLFOR($Action.Opportunity.New, null, [retURL='/006/o'], true), null)}"

It looks like it's working :)


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