My use case is such that when an Opportunity stage is set to cancelled, related Opportunities have the state set to Cancelled as well.

My Opportunity handler class is getting big so I am passing all the details to a new class where the logic can be evaluated and actioned on.

One problem I have is that it doesn't seem to work when I update records in the UI. However, I cannot troubleshoot the issue because the debug log does not show any of my system.debug statements. I've cranked the debug level to fine or finest on each category but no luck.

Is there a way to get a debug as you traverse through classes?

The code compiles but I'm at a lose of what to do.

Example Handler class code:

public override void afterUpdate(Map<Id, SObject> oldMapGeneric, Map<Id, SObject> newMapGeneric){
    Map<Id, Opportunity> oldMap = (Map<Id, Opportunity>) oldMapGeneric;
    Map<Id, Opportunity> newMap = (Map<Id, Opportunity>) newMapGeneric;
        cancelAutoRenewal(oldMap, newMap);
        isRecursive = true;

public static void cancelAutoRenewal(Map<Id, Opportunity> oldMap, Map<Id, Opportunity> newMap)
    NPD_Opportunity_Cancel_Auto_Renew.filter(oldMap, newMap);

All the magic happens here:

public without sharing class NPD_Opportunity_Cancel_Auto_Renew 

public static void filter(Map<Id, Opportunity> oldMap, Map<Id, Opportunity> newMap)
    Set<Id> oppys = new Set<Id>();

    // Check if the fields changed
    for(Opportunity o : newMap.values())
            o.StageName != oldMap.get(o.Id).StageName &&
            o.Stagename == 'Cancelled' 

    System.debug('opps filtered are:: ' + oppys);

public static void getOpps(Set<Id> oppys)
    // Find related Opps where the Revnewed From is in the oppys list
    List<Opportunity> oppsToCancel = [SELECT    Id,
                                        FROM    Opportunity
                                        WHERE   Renewed_From__c IN : oppys];

    System.debug('Opps to Cancel is:: ' + oppsToCancel);


public static void updateOpps(List<Opportunity> oppsToCancel)
    for(Opportunity oppy : oppsToCancel)
        oppy.StageName = 'Cancelled';

    update oppsToCancel;
  • is that any debug is there with the executing user name with a valid date range? Commented Jun 2, 2017 at 20:46
  • Yes, there is a debug and it spits out results but it doesn't have anything in the log related to the above. I did Ctrl +F to search for keywords and nothing. Commented Jun 2, 2017 at 20:48
  • is that log is truncated? Commented Jun 2, 2017 at 20:49
  • are you using isRecursive variable only in this method? I think before of this you are not getting the log. It may be true from other ways and it is not entering in after update Commented Jun 2, 2017 at 20:51
  • it's not truncated, I'm actually using 5 total with 4 before the cancelAutoRenewal so I had assumed it would hit each one and then after set the recursive to true. Commented Jun 2, 2017 at 20:56

1 Answer 1


If you have used isRecursive variable in some other method, like before insert or after insert and same isRecursive you are using in this afterUpdate trigger then possibly it is getting set as true.

So below code will not call cancelAutoRenewal method and hence you will not receive any logs.

        cancelAutoRenewal(oldMap, newMap);
        isRecursive = true;
  • It was actually I had the code in after update, when I changed it to before update it worked as expected. Commented Jun 5, 2017 at 14:40
  • actually before update has a less chance of being recursive. nicely fixed by you Commented Jun 5, 2017 at 14:42

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