I have a custom metadata type with one field(text) which holds a single value. I am referring this field value in the Lightning Component to pass it as a URL. Apex controller:

public static String getLogoutUrl() {
    List<Portal_Metadata__mdt> testUrl = 
        [Select Id, Portal_URL__c from Portal_Metadata__mdt LIMIT 1];   
    return testUrl[0].Portal_URL__c;  

In Component's JS, I have configured to get this value when I have:

window.location.href = myUrl;

How could I write a unit test for this Custom metadata type?

  • Just curious, why not use a Hierarchy Custom Setting if all you want to do is set an org default?
    – Adrian Larson
    Commented May 23, 2017 at 16:12
  • That is way easier, but my client is having all their custom configs on Custom Metadata Types.
    – SatyaV
    Commented May 23, 2017 at 16:44
  • I have already came across the above thread, but I am not sure how to implement on my Apex controller class.
    – SatyaV
    Commented May 23, 2017 at 17:22

1 Answer 1


I've had success with mocking when testing interactions between configuration and code which are difficult to control. Consider a structure like the following:

public virtual class PortalMetadata
    static PortalMetadata service = new PortalMetadata();
    @TestVisible void setMock(PortalMetadata mock) { service = mock; }

    public static List<MyMetadata__mdt> getAll() { return service.getAll(); }

    protected virtual List<MyMetadata__mdt> getAll()
        return [SELECT Portal_Url__c FROM MyMetadata__mdt];

Okay, so now you can mock out which records get returned, but how can you specify your own metadata records? Well, serialization has been a useful trick for me lately and comes in handy again here:

Map<String, Object> data = new Map<String, Object>
    'Portal_Url__c' => 'someUrl'
MyMetadata__mdt metadataRecord = (MyMetadata__mdt)JSON.deserialize(
    JSON.serialize(data), MyMetadata__mdt.class

How does the above help you test? Well, now you can set up your own mock metadata and have complete control over what gets "queried":

class testMyClass
    static final String URL = 'some_url_here';

    class PortalMetadataMock extends PortalMetadata
        protected override List<MyMetadata__mdt> getAll()
            Map<String, Object> data = new Map<String, Object> { 'Portal_Url__c' => URL };
            return new List<MyMetadata__mdt>
                    JSON.serialize(data), MyMetadata__mdt.class

    static testmethod void testGetLogoutUrl()
            PortalMetadata.setMock(new PortalMetadataMock());
            String retrievedUrl = MyClass.getLogoutUrl();

        system.assertEquals(URL, retrievedUrl, 'Assertion message here');

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