I'm trying to do an ad-hoc cleaning exercise to see how many reports in Salesforce.com use a given custom report type. The goal is to find custom report types that are deployed, but have no reports built off of them.
Since the report object doesn't have the ReportType attribute, I'd like to use Simple-Python to query the analytics API to get a full list of every report in my system, then I can use the returned describeUrl to get the report type information.
The issue is that I can't seem to figure out how to get a full list of results from the API. The rest path works fine in workbench, but doesn't work in Python. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
from simple_salesforce import Salesforce
sf = Salesforce(username = '[email protected]', password =
'mypassword', security_token = 'mysecuritytoken', sandbox =
True, client_id = 'Report Query')
# just trying to get a json response of all reports - once I have the data
set returned I can complete my script
# and parse through the result details
query_results = sf.query("/services/data/v39.0/analytics/reports")