This is specifically dealing with custom Visual Force controllers that do data validation and error checking prior to attempting to save records via a DML statement. During our validations we will populate custom Field and Page error messages. However, there are times when Salesforce will apply their own validation rules prior to our validation checks running. This generally occurs on Email fields and Text Area fields when the user supplied data does not meet the field requirements. Specifically, Salesforce will add a field error of "Error: Invalid Email Address." if the data entered does not include an "@" or a ".". For Text Area, we are getting "Error: Cannot user more than 1,500 characters." if users paste in a response exceeding 1,500 characters.
We don't have a problem with this behavior, but we would like to standardize our Requirements Documents around Error Messages. We are attempting to find a list of all of Salesforce's Standard field validation error messages so that we can incorporate them into our Requirements process.
Googling has yet to yield any meaningful answer. I can't find it in the SOAP or APEX Developer guides.
Does anyone out there have a list of the Standard Error messages generated by Salesforce for field validation errors?