This question is really interesting, which also force me to think, what's there exactly, and how it works, here is the background:
let's understand this process with an example, I created a Class with single Remote action method and a page which using that method, see code:
Apex Controller:
public class ApexController {
public static string RemoteMethod1(){
return 'Successfull';
VF Page:
<apex:page controller="ApexController" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="false">
<a href="javascript:callJSRemoting()">Click</a>
function callJSRemoting(){
function(result, event) {
if (event.status) {
else if(event.type === 'exception'){
console.log('Exception: '+event.message);
console.log('Error: '+event.message);
{buffer: false}
Now let's start pilling the layers, if you go to the page and inspect element, you will see something like that:
<script src="/jslibrary/1485897292000/sfdc/VFRemote.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
Visualforce.remoting.Manager.add(new $VFRM.RemotingProviderImpl({"vf":{"vid":"06641000006mTfb","xhr":false,"dev":false,"tst":false,"dbg":false,"tm":1487916828815,"ovrprm":false},"actions":{"ApexController":{"ms":[{"name":"RemoteMethod1","len":0,"ns":"","ver":39.0,"csrf":"VmpFPSxNakF4Tnkwd01pMHlOMVF3TmpveE16bzBPQzQ0TVRaYSxRQ0pMQWNqQ2syOGlrZ1lDX2dQVzNyLFlXUTRaV1Jo"}],"prm":1}},"service":"apexremote"}));
If you want to understand it, VF Compiler adding a VF remoting JS file as reference and it went to the controller class which is added to the page and read all the @Remoteaction
Methods and create a object which is embedded there, check it:
So that object contains the reference of your class and the @Remoteaction
Methods, Now when you call any Vf remoting function with the controller.RemoteMethod
, it directly search that reference from VF js library and execute the function.
if you further drill the particular Remoteaction
method, then you will see of the option or attributes there like:
As you can see above it contains all the required parameters to call the VF Remoting call, it contains name of the Method, version, parameter length (if method contains any) and CSRF token to make a POST ajax call internally.
Now's let add an another Remoteaction
method into class :
Modified Class with two @Remoteaction methods
public class ApexController {
public static string RemoteMethod1(){
return 'Successfull';
public static string RemoteMethod2(string name, string age){
return 'Successfull Method 2';
Now if we see on page we will see below Remote call object reference:
Visualforce.remoting.Manager.add(new $VFRM.RemotingProviderImpl({"vf":{"vid":"06641000006mTfb","xhr":false,"dev":false,"tst":false,"dbg":false,"tm":1487917631851,"ovrprm":false},"actions":{"ApexController":{"ms":[{"name":"RemoteMethod1","len":0,"ns":"","ver":39.0,"csrf":"VmpFPSxNakF4Tnkwd01pMHlOMVF3TmpveU56b3hNUzQ0TlRGYSxrVXkzTTdUOGEtN1hMaldNWUVQVlNmLFlXUTRaV1Jo"},{"name":"RemoteMethod2","len":2,"ns":"","ver":39.0,"csrf":"VmpFPSxNakF4Tnkwd01pMHlOMVF3TmpveU56b3hNUzQ0TlRGYSx3SGljN19qVUZVdVJIZEc0ejJjSzNKLE5XTmxZV1kx"}],"prm":1}},"service":"apexremote"}));
if you check it, it contains two methods with all the details about the @remoteaction
method, as per the new Method it contains parameters/argument also that's why length(len)
attribute comes as 2
, see below:
If our controller doesn't have any @Remoteaction
method then on page side the compiler will not add any VF reference library or remoting method object.
So in conclusion here the Process:
VF Compiler compile the page with Class and get all the @remoteaction
methods, if @remoteaction
method exist then it will add a VF JS library and all Methods reference as Object in page
In page when you reference/call any remoting method you by using VF pattern namespace.controllerclass,methodname
, it will search for the VF reference object and it will bound that particular object reference with the function.
Now the bounded function with all remoting method reference calls the internal ajax call from VF JS library and execute ajax call to controller which get the result and that result pass to the callback function.
I hope it will clear some of doubts.