My code to convert number to words is as below. Here i am getting output properly but if i have number 5,07,920 it is showing result five hundered and seven thousand nine hundred and twenty. i want five lakh seven thousand nine hundred and twenty.
public with sharing class PaySlipUtil{
static String[] to_19 = new string[]{ 'Zero','One','Two','Three','Four','Five','Six','Seven', 'Eight', 'Nine', 'Ten', 'Eleven', 'Twelve', 'Thirteen', 'Fourteen', 'Fifteen', 'Sixteen', 'Seventeen', 'Eighteen', 'Nineteen' };
static String[] tens = new string[]{ 'Twenty','Thirty','Forty','Fifty','Sixty','Seventy','Eighty','Ninety'};
static String[] denom = new string[]{ '','Thousand','Lakh','Million','Billion','Trillion','Quadrillion','Quintillion','S!xtillion','Septillion','Octillion','Nonillion','Decillion','Undecillion','Duodecillion','Tredecillion','Quattuordecillion','S!xdecillion','Septendecillion','Octodecillion','Novemdecillion','Vigintillion' };
// convert a value < 100 to English.
public static String convert_nn(integer val) {
if (val < 20)
return to_19[val];
if(val == 100)
return 'One Hundred';
for (integer v = 0; v < tens.size(); v++)
String dcap = tens[v];
integer dval = 20 + 10 * v;
if (dval + 10 > val)
if (Math.Mod(val,10) != 0)
return dcap + ' ' + to_19[Math.Mod(val,10)];
return dcap;
return 'Should never get here, less than 100 failure';
// convert a value < 1000 to english, special cased because it is the level that kicks
// off the < 100 special case. The rest are more general. This also allows you to
// get strings in the form of "forty-five hundred" if called directly.
public static String convert_nnn(integer val)
String word = '';
integer rem = val / 100;
integer mod = Math.mod(val,100);
if (rem > 0)
word = to_19[rem] + ' Hundred ';
if (mod > 0)
word += ' and ';
if (mod > 0)
word += convert_nn(mod);
return word;
public static String english_number(long val)
if (val < 100)
return convert_nn(val.intValue());
if (val < 1000)
return convert_nnn(val.intValue());
for (integer v = 0; v < denom.size(); v++)
integer didx = v - 1;
integer dval = (integer)Math.pow(1000, v);
if (dval > val)
integer mod = (integer)Math.pow(1000, didx);
integer l = (integer) val / mod;
integer r = (integer) val - (l * mod);
String ret = convert_nnn(l) + ' ' + denom[didx];
if (r > 0)
ret += ' '+english_number(r);
return ret;
return 'Should never get here, bottomed out in english_number';
is also not a mistake. What I think of as 'five hundred and seven thousand, nine hundred and twenty' is represented here as 'five lakh, seven thousand, nine hundred and twenty' (as indicated in the question)