public class verify {
public static Set<Id> idValues(Id[] values) {
Map<SObjectType, Set<Id>> valMap = new Map<SObjectType, Set<Id>>();
Set<Id> missingIds = new Set<Id>(values);
for(Id value:missingIds)
valMap.put(value.getSObjectType(), new Set<Id>());
for(Id value:missingIds)
for(SObjectType sType:valMap.keySet()) {
missingIds.removeAll(new Map<Id, SObject>(
Database.query('SELECT Id FROM '+String.valueOf(sType)+
' WHERE Id IN (\''+String.join(new List<Id>(valMap.get(sType)),'\',\'')+
return missingIds;
public static Set<Id> idValuesFromFile(String content) {
String[] parts = content.split('\n');
Id[] values = new Id[0];
while(!parts.isempty()) {
try {
} catch(exception e) {
System.debug(LoggingLevel.ERROR, e);
return idValues(values);
/* Example usage
Attachment a = [SELECT Id,Body FROM Attachment WHERE Id = :some_id];
Set<Id> missingIds = verify.idValuesFromFile(a.body.toString());
Limits for this code: ~1100 unique ID values per entity (SOQL string length limit), 50,000 unique ID values total (SOQL row limit), and 100 unique entities (SOQL query limit).
global class verifyBatchIds implements Database.batchable<id>, iterator<id>, iterable<id>, database.stateful {
id[] ids;
set<id> missingids;
global verifyBatchIds(Id[] source) {
ids = source.clone();
missingids = new set<id>();
global iterable<id> start(database.batchablecontext bc) {
return this;
global boolean hasnext() {
return !ids.isempty();
global id next() {
return ids.remove(0);
global iterator<id> iterator() {
return this;
global void execute(database.batchablecontext bc, id[] scope) {
map<sobjecttype, id[]> ids = new map<sobjecttype, id[]>();
for(id value:scope)
ids.put(value.getsobjecttype(), new id[0]);
for(id value:scope)
for(sobjecttype stype:ids.keyset())
missingids.removeall(new map<id,sobject>(
database.query('select id from '+string.valueof(stype)+
'where id in (\''+string.join(ids.get(stype),'\',\'')+
global void finish(database.batchablecontext bc) {
// Output results here, to a file, email, or whatever.
Limits for this code: 100 entities per batch of 200, which should be nearly impossible in normal usage, as they are sorted by type, and probably just short of 500,000 ID values, assuming no heap errors before you reach that point. In practice, I'd expect a practical limit of about 249,500 or so entries, because you still need to parse the file and convert to ID values (as in the first sample).